- Core21, SOUND, (Future): Make all music/sounds optional, in groups. More songs (possibly seasonal), incidental music (like spotting the first kobold in a cave, etc.), various combat type sounds and ambient sounds, pleasing interface clicks.
- Core22, ADVISORS, (Future): Either some kind of abstract advisors, or the actual dwarves that are living there. They can look over the state of the fortress and come up with some suggestions to help you survive and advance up the noble chain.
- Core23, THE MANUAL, Completed: Do all of the sections of a basic manual to be viewed in-game.
- Core24, ADVENTURER PARTIES, (Future): Create up to, say, 6 characters at once. These are controlled as with the dwarven raiding parties. If the scenarios are in, it can generate historical connections that explain why they are together. Could give your group a name, like the dwarf squads, and non-players could be admitted, as in the standard adventure mode 'join' option. Related to Core61.
- Core25, PLOT CLEANUP, Completed: The dwarf mode used to have some fixed plot events, like an attack by an undead army and so on. These were excised, but there's a lot of associated cleanup needed. Once this is established, the game will be ready for armies.
- Core26, OVERLAND ARMIES ATTACKS, (Future): The invasions by various creatures should no longer generate soldiers, but should use overland armies instead. There should be some AI limits in place to stop early dwarven outposts from being overwhelmed (at least as a default). Requires Core25 and Core45.
- Core27, ARMIES OF DWARVES, (Future): You should be able to send patrols (and, as you get more dwarves, armies) out over the world map. They could attack smaller nearby threats, such as a kobold cave, or let you know about incoming invasions. Requires Core26.
- Core28, CONTROL OF TERRITORY AND EXTERNAL LOCATIONS, (Future): As your fortress expands into a barony, county and duchy, these words should attain some meaning with regards to the surrounding lands. Additional outposts/villages/work camps might be founded under your control, but out of the playable view, providing local trade and a further population pool for warfare and other endeavors. The scope is undecided, but this might include typical mountainside outposts, dwarf/human/mixed villages nearby in other biomes, or deeper sites that you found in tunnels that you carve via the next core item. Related to Core29 and Bloat172.
- Core29, EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTIONS, (Future): World map roads, bridges, walls and tunnels shouldn't just be products of world generation. You should be able to dispatch dwarves and materials to accomplish these tasks (though the amount of material used in a typical world generation road would virtually prohibit doing this as it currently stands, so something has to change). Requires Core28.
- Core30, KINGDOM, (Future): If you manage to get the monarch of the dwarves to arrive, you should obtain at least indirect control over the entire corresponding dwarven civilization. This includes the movement of all dwarven armies on the map and the ability to make the most important diplomatic decisions. Requires Core28.
- Core31, MAPS FOR SITES, Completed: Caves and goblin fortress maps.
- Core32, STARTING QUESTS, Completed: Set up asking about surroundings, basic quests and town defense.
- Core33, SERVING YOUR MONARCH, (Future): Once you have an outside village (or even before), you could receive orders from the dwarven leader to serve up some of your population as troops. If the soldier is one of your familiar fortress units, you could control them in any future army fights later in that game, or you might control an entire squad if more of your soldiers were drafted.
- Core34, ABANDONMENT, Completed: Preserved dwarves when you abandon a game in an 'army' for later use.
- Core35, DWARF RAIDS, (Future): If you send one of your patrols to attack a site, and it is small enough, you should be able to control the units individually, as in adventure mode. If your group is large, then you could either control one squad as a party, and have the others on AI, or you could let the whole thing run real-time as in dwarf mode. Requires Core27.
- Core36, BURROWS, (Future): You should be able to associate buildings and dwarves to areas called burrows. A dwarf would only work on jobs at its burrow, and could not haul between burrows unless specifically designated to do so. Miners, outside workers, engravers and so on would be exempt while doing those jobs. Burrows could have general goals for the amount of objects, such as bins, that they need to have, and you could order transfers between burrows with the manager. Manager work orders could specify burrows. Once your fortress is large, having such a system to reduce the amount of hauling is very important. Coupled with some of the other ideas, large fortresses should become easier to manage.
- Core37, RETIREMENT, Completed: Add the ability to retire (or rest) your adventurer in any town.
- Core38, SITE RESOURCES, (Future): The objects at a site need to be tracked in an abstract form so that the world can use them without loading up the site files. The different profession holders working at a town in world-gen and then during play should be able to produce and use resources based on these stockpiles and local map propertioes. Any changes could be applied to existing site files retroactively when they are loaded. Stores should restock their inventories. The objects need to be separated based on the entity that owns them, since several entities can potentially operate at one site.
- Core39, END GAME 3, Completed: Additional handling of dwarf mode end game.
- Core40, MONSTERS, (Future): Dragon attacks need to be more righteous. Their flying needs to be more of a benefit. Snatching and dropping people should be possible. Would also be good to get the wizards and undead armies from the old fixed-plot stuff back into the mix. There was a time when the dead dwarves and pets would suddenly rise in your fortress, due to a plot event. That might have to wait for magic.