Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010056Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2016-10-27 00:382016-10-27 09:53
0010056: Military Dwarves bring books to job, then haul them back
After I'd gotten a library of a certain size, I noticed that military dwarves hang out there and read. This presented one problem:

When I select a military squad to go and do something - or even when they automatically do something such as meeting for a sparring session, these dwarves coming from the library will haul the book they've been reading all the time. Meaning they make a pointless trip to their new destination, realize that they have a book and haul it back to the libary. This happens every time. This makes these particular dwarves useless and results in a massive waste of time, especially if you designate something for the squad to do that's a fair distance away.
1. Build a well-stocked library.
2. Have a military squad or several
3. Wait for a number of military dwarves to go to the libary.
4. Assign your squad(s) to station some place.
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duplicate of 0002561confirmed Knight Otu Military dwarves carry hauled items with them when called on duty 
Issue History
2016-10-27 00:38SchwartzNew Issue
2016-10-27 09:53LociRelationship addedduplicate of 0002561
2016-10-27 09:53LociStatusnew => resolved
2016-10-27 09:53LociResolutionopen => duplicate
2016-10-27 09:53LociAssigned To => Loci

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