Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0010902Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Raidspublic2018-09-18 03:042020-03-01 15:03
0010902: Rescue mission always finishes instantly without any result
Didn't find rescue missions category, so chose "Raids".
Recently i sent a squad of 4 dwarves to loot artifacts, and as i understood from mission outcome, it failed - one dwarf was killed, and three were captured.
So now on world map screen i have three available for rescuing prisoners in "p"eople section.
I created another squad, and sent it to rescue one of those dwarves. Squad members equipped and moved to the edge of my fortress screen. However, they returned back just the next moment after they disappeared out of the fortress screen edge. Also, 4 times these "instant" missions generated an "empty" mission reports (no text, nothing happens on world map in report). Now i even don't get mission reports. Also, the prisoner still remains available for another rescue missions.

Very good news - this is reliably reproducible in the provided save file. Squad can be sent again and again for any of these three prisoners, and every time it returns back immediately after going out of fortress screen, without any report.
1) Load the provided save file in vanilla 0.44.12 release
2) Open world map ("c")
3) Open peoples screen ("p")
4) Create rescue mission for any of prisoners
5) Assign squad to mission
6) Done - squad will move to the edge of fortress screen, and return back a moment after departure, without any report/result.
Save archive link: http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14020 [^]
0.44.12, missions, Rescue
child of 0010367new  Squads sent on mission return immediately 
Issue History
2018-09-18 03:04alex-wevNew Issue
2018-09-18 03:08alex-wevTag Attached: 0.44.12
2018-09-18 03:08alex-wevTag Attached: missions
2018-09-18 03:08alex-wevTag Attached: Rescue
2018-09-18 05:01Shonai_DwellerNote Added: 0038814
2018-09-19 12:50LociRelationship addedchild of 0010367
2018-09-19 12:51LociAssigned To => Loci
2018-09-19 12:51LociStatusnew => acknowledged
2020-03-01 07:35DatDing15Note Added: 0040278
2020-03-01 15:03Shonai_DwellerNote Added: 0040285

2018-09-18 05:01   
Yeah, can confirm this happens in all worlds.
Workaround until it's fixed is to send a regular raid and ensure Rescue Prisoners is selected, but the actual menu option to rescue civ members is broken right now.
2020-03-01 07:35   
Is another savegame needed?
I have the same exact troubles on 44.12 with 2 dwarfs.
2020-03-01 15:03   
Probably more useful to get a 47.04 save as some changes and fixes for raid crash bugs (perhaps unrelated, perhaps not) have happened since 44.12.