Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001759Dwarf FortressTypos/Grammarpublic2010-05-05 07:322011-02-24 10:16
0001759: Dwarf has created Taron Merig, a ashen crossbow (should be "an")
nothing major, just a text bug. When artifacts are created the string doesn't check to see if what has been created starts with a vowel or not. So it always uses "a" whatever instead of properly using "an" in some situations.
related to 0000295new  <Dwarf> has created <Artifact>, *a marble mechanisms* 
Issue History
2010-05-05 07:32crossmrNew Issue
2010-05-05 08:47jfsNote Added: 0006170
2010-05-05 08:49jfsTag Attached: language
2010-05-05 09:04FootkerchiefCategoryDwarf Mode -- Artifacts => Typos/Grammar
2011-02-23 13:50Granite26Note Added: 0015433
2011-02-23 16:31FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000295
2011-02-23 16:32FootkerchiefSummaryDwarf has created xxx a yyy => Dwarf has created Taron Merig, a ashen crossbow (should be "an")
2011-02-24 10:16InfiltratorNote Added: 0015450

2010-05-05 08:47   
This has been a general minor issue always, I believe.
The difficulty is that "a"/"an" doesn't depend on spelling but on pronunciation, so pronunciation data have to be either generated or supplied for every language the game displays to be able to fix this.
2011-02-23 13:50   
"Taron Merig a ashen crossbow."

I can see how 'h' or 'y' might be problematic but you'd think aeiou could be fixed.
2011-02-24 10:16   
Well, 'h' and 'y' depends on your pronunciation. In most cases, I think I'd pronounce them, so I'd take 'a', but I know some people like to ignore initial 'h's and 'y's and throw 'an's in front. Perhaps that could be an option you can set, then.

As for on vowels, I think it's actually checking against the item (crossbow) rather than the entire phrase. Just speculation, though.