Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0001771Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcements: Message Spampublic2010-05-05 15:342010-06-09 06:46
Windows XP 64-bitWindows XP 64-bitService Pack 3
0001771: Burrows
Whenever you have a dwarf set to hauling, and say those dorfs are assigned to a burrow, and a woodcutter goes to chop a tree, it spams me with 'Urist McUrist cancels job/haul: Item not accessible'. This is pretty annoying, so can you make it so that message doesn't show up if their burrow doesn't include that area?
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duplicate of 0000597confirmed Footkerchief Civilians assigned to burrows while hauling something spam "dropoff inaccessible" 
Issue History
2010-05-05 15:34x2yzh9New Issue
2010-05-05 15:42Logical2uNote Added: 0006213
2010-05-05 15:42Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0000597
2010-05-05 15:42Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2010-05-05 15:42Logical2uResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-05-05 15:42Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u
2010-06-09 06:46Toady OneStatusresolved => closed

2010-05-05 15:42   
Hi there,
Currently Mantis is not designed to handle suggestions - that's what the forums are for, but what you reported is indeed a bug. However, it is also a duplicate.