Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001836Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Building Construction and Destructionpublic2010-05-11 16:382015-01-10 12:56
lowminorhave not tried
0001836: Digging an "up/down" stair under a murky pond containing a constructed "up" stair destroys the constructed stair.
Digging an "up/down" stair under a pond containing a constructed "up" stair destroys the constructed stair and replaces it with a natural up/down staircase.

I have observed this happen twice in murky pools which I had drained and built stairs down into (I didn't want to dig into the sides of the pools so I was using the new 'construct downwards' functionality to build stairs).

I do not know what happens to the material used to originally construct the stair.

I do not know whether this problem is specific to murky pools.
1) Drain a murky pool.
2) Construct a down stair on the level above the pool (level 0).
3) Construct an up stair on the level of the pool (level -1).
4) Designate the area under the pool with "up/down" stairs (level -2).

When the up/down stairs are dug (at level -2), the constructed stair (at level -1) will turn into a natural "up/down" stair of the same type as the layer it was built in.
The map I witnessed this on had white sand as the top most layer, then various layers of rock below that. The natural stairs which were magically created were made out of white sand.
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Issue History
2010-05-11 16:38ItchyBeardNew Issue
2010-05-11 16:39ItchyBeardIssue Monitored: ItchyBeard
2015-01-10 10:00ptb_ptbNote Added: 0031851
2015-01-10 10:25ptb_ptbNote Edited: 0031851bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0031851#r12766
2015-01-10 12:56FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2015-01-10 12:56FootkerchiefStatusnew => confirmed

2015-01-10 10:00   
(edited on: 2015-01-10 10:25)
Still happens in DF 0.40.24

Save file: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=10413 [^]