Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0001878Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2010-05-15 01:302012-03-29 07:34
0001878: Trader lose all their goods on the ground if running through oscillating water
I dug into an aquifer in my entrance, it just keeps a nice waterfall down the stairs and drop into the natural cavern (my fort is between 2nd and 3rd cavern level so way down). traders that run the long way lose all their goods on the floor in the watery area i a 2/7 runs onto the tile their pack animal is currently on.
build trade depot, make way in through oscillating water with 1/7 and a few 2/7.
from the elven traders some stray tigerman got into my possesion too, but somehow they died of thirst and one was even an animal caretaker. dunno if thats a bug, but according to raws tigerman are not that different and have no entity that allows animal caretaking :x
traders, water
related to 0005158resolved Toady One Dwarves try to cross the edge of waterfalls because water is shallower there, get swept over 
Issue History
2010-05-15 01:30RhenayaNew Issue
2010-05-15 14:44Logical2uSummaryTrader lose all their goods on the ground if running through oszilating water => Trader lose all their goods on the ground if running through oscillating water
2010-05-15 14:44Logical2uDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=2522#r2522
2010-05-15 14:44Logical2uSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=2524#r2524
2010-07-01 13:36DDRNote Added: 0009469
2010-08-04 08:08RhenayaTag Attached: traders
2010-08-04 08:08RhenayaTag Attached: water
2011-03-30 11:37RhenayaNote Added: 0016810
2012-03-28 22:47reilwinNote Added: 0021847
2012-03-28 22:54reilwinIssue Monitored: reilwin
2012-03-29 07:34FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005158

2010-07-01 13:36   
I just reproduced that bug. My fortress has a water werks for power, comfort, and disposal, which empties on the surface at the bottom of the mountain. The traders showed up there, and I've goods scattered throughout the alluvial fan.
2011-03-30 11:37   
this is still in with 0.31.25
2012-03-28 22:47   
I appear to have a similar issue. Traders will drop their goods as well.

In addition, wagons will get pushed around by the flow of water, and once got stuck in the corridor walls. After widening the corridor and awaiting the next caravan, they attempted to go through the middle of the flow, got pushed around and finally entered the Trading Depot.

At this point, [q]->highlight Depot informs me that there are no merchants trading right now.