Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0000200Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2010-04-02 17:072014-02-16 06:06
lowtrivialhave not tried
0000200: Butchered tame animals produce badly named "stray elephant nervous tissue" etc
I butchered a stray elephant that I had caged then tamed.

It produced inconsistently named items: some were named after the creature type, some were named after the stray elephant in particular:

"prepared elephant eye"
"prepared elephant lung"
"elephant meat"
"elephant fat"
"Stray elephant nervous tissue"
"Stray elephant bone"
"Stray elephant skull"
Capture a tameable animal in a cage trap.
Tame it.
Mark it for butchering, wait for it to be slaughtered.
Look at the resulting items in the butchery.
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related to 0005068resolved Toady One Butchering remains named oddly 
related to 0000476new  Boiling blood improperly named 
related to 0006434new  Severed single tissue parts often strangely named 
Issue History
2010-04-02 17:07oliverNew Issue
2010-04-29 13:50FootkerchiefCategoryGeneral => Creatures
2014-01-26 10:43FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000476
2014-02-11 12:59QuietustNote Added: 0024514
2014-02-16 06:06FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005068
2014-02-16 20:03FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0006434

2014-02-11 12:59   
The issue here is that the nervous tissue, bone, skull, etc. items are named according to the specific unit they came from (because they are corpse pieces), while the meat items are just generic creature materials.

Putting "stray" in the meat names would not be feasible (since only historical figures can have named materials), and removing "stray" from the body parts would similarly cause problems with body parts belonging to actual named creatures.