Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002010Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Militarypublic2010-05-21 10:032014-08-24 20:38
0002010: disbanding militia captain nobles won't result in less slots for captains and squads
since I've been playing around with military a lot by now, I've noticed the following:

If you assign more than one militia captain, and remove one of the captains from their order, the slots stay the same.

So with every assigned captain you get a new captain slot, which is good. But if you remove one of the captains, the noble slot won't be deleted. Also in the squads menu, there will be a create squad entry for the non existent noble.

So if assign 4 captains you have 4 squad slots available, if you remove 2 of them you will also have 4 slots available.

This leads to really unexpected behaviour (self emptening squads etc.)
1. assing more than one squad captain
2. remove at least one
3. look at the nobles and the military screen
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duplicate of 0000266resolved Toady One Multiple Militia captain positions available for militia commander 
Issue History
2010-05-21 10:03gruftschreckNew Issue
2010-05-21 10:10FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000266
2010-06-15 08:47FootkerchiefRelationship replacedchild of 0000266
2014-08-24 20:38FootkerchiefRelationship replacedduplicate of 0000266
2014-08-24 20:38FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2014-08-24 20:38FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-08-24 20:38FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

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