Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002489Dwarf FortressMovies -- Recordingpublic2010-06-28 02:572010-11-15 13:59
Toady One 
windows 7
0002489: Movies will not record
It appears that movies no longer record properly, at least in the SDL versions. The recorded files have no content at all, consisting of single frames.
Try recording a movie in arena mode
No tags attached.
Issue History
2010-06-28 02:57RavingManiacNew Issue
2010-06-28 07:29FootkerchiefNote Added: 0009217
2010-06-28 07:29FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-06-29 07:38FootkerchiefCategoryTechnical => Technical -- General
2010-07-01 23:42Lightning4Note Added: 0009501
2010-07-08 08:24FootkerchiefCategoryTechnical -- General => Movies -- Recording
2010-08-07 10:42FootkerchiefNote Added: 0011594
2010-08-07 13:20QuietustNote Added: 0011606
2010-08-09 01:21RavingManiacNote Added: 0011648
2010-08-23 21:27QuietustNote Added: 0012056
2010-08-24 09:56FootkerchiefTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-11-14 16:00fivexIssue Monitored: fivex
2010-11-15 13:59Toady OneNote Added: 0013891
2010-11-15 13:59Toady OneStatusnew => resolved
2010-11-15 13:59Toady OneFixed in Version => 0.31.18
2010-11-15 13:59Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2010-11-15 13:59Toady OneAssigned To => Toady One

2010-06-28 07:29   
Can anyone else reproduce this problem? Does recording movies work in Fortress Mode?
2010-07-01 23:42   
I'm unable to record in fortress mode with 31.08.

The "REC" status flashes for a while, then eventually just stops on its own after about 10 seconds. Trying to play back the movie after this point results in nothing (that I can see) happening.
2010-08-07 10:42   
Reminder sent to: RavingManiac

Is this problem still present in 31.12?
2010-08-07 13:20   
This would explain all of the empty movies that have been uploaded recently to DFMA...
2010-08-09 01:21   
Yes, movies still don't work.
2010-08-23 21:27   
Still definitely broken in 0.31.12 SDL, but it works perfectly in the Legacy build.
Toady One   
2010-11-15 13:59   
This should be fixed for 0.31.18.