Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0002772Dwarf FortressGeneralpublic2010-07-20 05:582010-07-20 07:13
normalcrashhave not tried
PCWindows 7 x64
0002772: game crashed when I tried to access a squad
I had a small fortress, just after the first wave of migrants. I had one squad with my miners in it (picks + breastplate, helm, gauntlets, greaves, high boots, shield as uniform, they only had the picks since I had no armor made yet). I had a tunnel into the cavern which had 20 rock fall traps in it. Two troglodytes walked in earlier and set off most of the traps, my mechanic was in the process of resetting them when a giant mole walked in and hit three traps too. It was immobilized and I figured I'd make my miners whack it to death for a little bit of xp. As soon as I hit "s" for squads the game crashed. When I hit "s" my cursor was on the giant mole.
I have no save from that fortress, nor is it likely I'll run into the exact same situation again anytime soon. I'm not sure what caused the crash or if it is reproducable, but since this is a beta I figure it's always a good idea to report crashes, even when you're not sure what caused them.
I've given the information I think may be relevant, but really I don't know what caused the crash.
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duplicate of 0000706resolved Toady One Trying to access the squad screen mid-combat caused a complete game hang 
Issue History
2010-07-20 05:58genveirNew Issue
2010-07-20 06:03genveirNote Added: 0010712
2010-07-20 07:13FootkerchiefNote Added: 0010713
2010-07-20 07:13FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0000706
2010-07-20 07:13FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2010-07-20 07:13FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-07-20 07:13FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2010-07-20 06:03   
didn't see it at first in the list, but it may very well be a double of 0002474
2010-07-20 07:13   
Yeah, for now we can chalk it up to 0002474 (or its parent issue 0000706). If you have a save demonstrating this problem, it would be helpful to hang onto it and test it in 31.11 (when that gets released). If it still crashes, upload the save and reopen this issue. Thanks!