Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003094Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Taskspublic2010-08-23 06:352010-12-24 03:11
resolvedunable to reproduce 
windows xpwindows xp
0003094: Dwarfs not getting drinks
My hospital beds are built next to wells and water holes. Now I have had for a spring season now 10-40 idle dorfs and 5 hospital patients have died due to not getting water and nobody helping them despite plenty of available dorfs and buckets in the hospital and around. all my dorfs have job assignments as give water/food to prisoners etc.
dunno if this really needs fixing or is just a question of prioritizing give water tasks over rock hauling.
No tags attached.
related to 0002937resolved Logical2u Dwarves don't use wells properly. 
Issue History
2010-08-23 06:35jeiNew Issue
2010-08-23 07:41FootkerchiefNote Added: 0012043
2010-08-23 07:41FootkerchiefTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-23 07:42FootkerchiefNote Edited: 0012043bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0012043#r4699
2010-09-15 20:51Logical2uRelationship addedrelated to 0002937
2010-09-24 09:55Logical2uNote Added: 0012944
2010-09-24 12:25jeiNote Added: 0012955
2010-12-24 03:11DwarfuTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-12-24 03:11DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2010-12-24 03:11DwarfuResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2010-12-24 03:11DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

2010-08-23 07:41   
(edited on: 2010-08-23 07:42)
You should upload a save demonstrating this problem to http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^]

Are the injured dwarves resting? Are the wells and water holes marked as Water Source zones? Have you examined the buckets to see if they contain lye or ice? Are the idle dwarves confined to a burrow? Is the hospital accessible (i.e., can you send a squad in there)?

2010-09-24 09:55   
Reminder sent to: jei

Do you have a save, like Footkerchief has asked for, Jei? Do you have answers to any of his questions?
2010-09-24 12:25   
I might have a save, but it would take some testing and looking now, but does this really matter anymore as the new version is .14 now? Sometimes job priorities just seem to be very low and it takes a long time for everyone to do what is assigned them. The sick dwarves seem to get served drinks now sometimes..
And like you said, I did not examine the buckets, which might be where the problem was, perhaps. I might have had too few if there's a possibility the contents were not what they were supposed to. No ice in this climate. Accessible yes. No burrows.