Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003116Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-08-28 10:582011-10-23 13:25
normalminorhave not tried
0003116: Soldier equipped vial of extract (golden salve) as waterskin, then added alcohol to it
After putting a few more dwarves into my military, I observed that two of them had taken a green glass vial instead of one of my many leather waterskins. Upon viewing them more closely, I discovered that both contained "golden salve [25]" as well a few units of alcohol.

While it's nice that military dwarves are using flasks and vials as well as waterskins, they really should be taking ones that are empty.
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related to 0000535acknowledged Toady One Equipping weapons/armor on military is erratic 
has duplicate 0004268resolved Footkerchief Vials contain 2 different kinds of liquid, and contents are not shown 
Issue History
2010-08-28 10:58QuietustNew Issue
2010-08-30 05:58QuietustNote Added: 0012257
2011-03-21 06:53FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004268
2011-03-21 06:53FootkerchiefSummarySoldier equipped nonempty vial as waterskin => Soldier equipped vial (containing both alcohol and golden salve) as waterskin
2011-03-21 07:00QuietustNote Added: 0016431
2011-04-04 10:17QuietustNote Edited: 0016431bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0016431#r6358
2011-04-04 10:31FootkerchiefSummarySoldier equipped vial (containing both alcohol and golden salve) as waterskin => Soldier equipped golden salve vial as waterskin, then added alcohol to it
2011-04-04 10:32FootkerchiefSummarySoldier equipped golden salve vial as waterskin, then added alcohol to it => Soldier equipped vial of extract (golden salve) as waterskin, then added alcohol to it
2011-04-04 10:33FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000535
2011-10-23 13:25KumquatNote Added: 0018894
2012-01-06 13:27QuietustNote Edited: 0016431bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0016431#r7209

2010-08-30 05:58   
Some sort of priority for flask selection might be in order, ideally with glass vials being at lowest priority (since they can be used for making plant extracts) and perhaps with leather waterskins having higher priority than metal flasks.

There's also the issue that forbidding the glass vial has no effect on equipment assignments - the soldier will continue to want to use the glass vial until it no longer exists; I ended up dumping them, waiting for a caravan to arrive, then unforbidding them and ordering them taken to the depot, and only when the caravan left the map did the soldiers finally select new flasks (this time with all of the glass vials forbidden so they had no choice but to take a waterskin).
2011-03-21 07:00   
(edited on: 2012-01-06 13:27)
To clarify, the vial did not contain alcohol until after it had been equipped as a waterskin - thus, containing 2 liquids is a result, not a prerequisite, of this bug.

The summary should be changed to "Soldier equipped golden salve vial as waterskin" (or perhaps "extract-containing vial" since it'll probably also happen with stuff like liquid fire).

2011-10-23 13:25   
There seems to be a "priority flask selection" in place. The most expensive flasks get used first. However since contents are counted into the value of the flask, vials of golden salve are the first to get assigned.

That's a conjecture. Fact is that about all my golden salve is in vials carried by the military, damn it. I wondered where it was gone as it was unavailable for trading.