Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003415Dwarf FortressTrueTypepublic2010-10-11 19:512011-02-16 21:43
0003415: Dwarf name frequently announced in red, with no additional information
One of my dwarves' names pops up in the announcements on the bottom of the screen quite regularly. It is always the same dwarf, a grower/brewer currently hanging out in the dining room.

The announcement does not list the profession, or any reason for the announcement; it merely gives the dwarf's name.
duplicate of 0003246resolved Baughn TrueType: Some dwarves' names are cut off at diacritics, other diacritics are turned into blocks 
Issue History
2010-10-11 19:51AngleWyrmNew Issue
2010-10-11 20:31NarmioNote Added: 0013330
2010-10-12 08:31PutIssue Monitored: Put
2010-10-12 09:39QuietustNote Added: 0013335
2010-10-12 16:42NarmioTag Attached: Truetype
2010-10-12 16:43NarmioNote Added: 0013338
2010-10-16 23:53lolghurtNote Added: 0013392
2010-10-17 08:59QuietustNote Added: 0013394
2010-10-17 09:02QuietustNote Edited: 0013394bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0013394#r5173
2010-12-01 08:36FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0003246
2010-12-01 08:36FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2010-12-01 08:36FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2010-12-01 08:36FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2010-12-01 08:42FootkerchiefCategoryDwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcements => TrueType
2011-02-16 21:43PutIssue End Monitor: Put

2010-10-11 20:31   
I, too, am getting this, on a random fisherdwarf and an immigrant I've drafted into the military. I'm wondering if it's associated with some kind of nicknames bug, since I have one or two dwarves whose default, seemingly-unerasable nickname is the first five or six characters of their actual name. They are then displayed as just that nickname in lists (like on the military screen or in an announcement of a job cancellation), no profession or anything else.
2010-10-12 09:39   
Turn off Truetype font support in init.txt - this is the same as the behavior noted in 0003246.
2010-10-12 16:43   
Good point, this only happens in TTF mode, that should be noted here.
2010-10-16 23:53   
it's caused by the TTF file lacking the characters with umlauts and other symbols, such as the male/female ones.
2010-10-17 08:59   
(edited on: 2010-10-17 09:02)
Actually, the font does contain the accented characters, but the truetype display code in Dwarf Fortress seemingly isn't converting CP437 to Unicode properly - the accented characters have completely different codepoints in CP437 versus Unicode or Latin-1 (for example, "รป" is character 150 in CP437 but is character 251/U+00FB in Latin-1/Unicode).