Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003531Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Invasionspublic2010-11-09 11:542010-11-09 14:18
0003531: "A vile force of darkness..." message missing in logfile
this is the only message i encountered that is only displayed on the screen, but not written to the logfile.
i need it in the logfile for my tool [https://github.com/rofl0r/df-peek [^]] to beep, so that i know the game needs my attention.
related to 0000326resolved Toady One Missing entries in announcements.txt 
Issue History
2010-11-09 11:54rofl0rNew Issue
2010-11-09 12:37rofl0rNote Added: 0013679
2010-11-09 13:44Logical2uNote Added: 0013683
2010-11-09 13:46DwarfuNote Added: 0013684
2010-11-09 13:46DwarfuTag Attached: Intentional/Expected?
2010-11-09 13:46DwarfuRelationship addedchild of 0000326
2010-11-09 14:18QuietustNote Added: 0013685
2010-11-09 14:19QuietustNote Edited: 0013685bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0013685#r5274
2012-01-25 12:42FootkerchiefRelationship replacedrelated to 0000326

2010-11-09 12:37   
the message is special as well as it requires "ESC" to move out, then press "SPACE" to continue. that can be worked around though.
2010-11-09 13:44   
The message is also a holdover from the 40d days, so it's likely that it's not controllable from the new messaging systems in .31
2010-11-09 13:46   
Please post suggestions on the forum:
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?board=5.0 [^]

Please discuss your 'tool' on the forums as well and keep links here for save files, etc. related to a bug.

I'm going to group this with another missing announcement report for now.
2010-11-09 14:18   
(edited on: 2010-11-09 14:19)
Siege announcements are sort of special in that they generate a formatted fullscreen message (actually defined in external files in the data/announcements folder) rather than a box (like feature discovery messages) - the same is true for "Diplomacy Stymied - A Diplomat has left unhappy" and the arrival of the King.