Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003737Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Sitespublic2010-11-26 16:512013-04-13 10:26
lowminorhave not tried
0003737: Adventurers don't remember what human towns or fortresses look like
Normally, when an Adventurer visits a site, leaves, then comes back, any previously explored areas are still visible. However, this does not seem to happen with human towns or fortresses - every time you visit (or even if you take a nap), you forget where everything is.
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Issue History
2010-11-26 16:51QuietustNew Issue
2013-04-13 10:26QuietustNote Added: 0023943

2013-04-13 10:26   
This is likely due to the fact that human towns and castles are "realized" on demand instead of being offloaded to disk when you leave and being reloaded when you come back (as with player fortresses, bandit camps, lairs, and caves).