Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003800Dwarf FortressPathfindingpublic2010-12-10 02:062010-12-10 06:03
0003800: [IMMOBILE_LAND] does nothing unless the creature is also [AQUATIC] and lacks [NOBREATHE]
Creatures with immobile_land can still move unless it is also aquatic and breathing
1) Add [IMMOBILE_LAND] to cow. Spawn cow in the arena, it move around.
2) Add [AQUATIC] to cow. Spawn cow in the arena, it doesnt move.
3) Remove [AQUATIC] from cow, add [NOBREATHE]. Spawn cow in the arena, it move around.
4) Add back [AQUATIC] to cow. Spawn cow in the arena, it move around.
Issue History
2010-12-10 02:06rephikulNew Issue
2010-12-10 06:03FootkerchiefSummary[IMMOBILE_LAND] does nothing unless the creature is also [AQUATIC] and not [NOBREATHE] => [IMMOBILE_LAND] does nothing unless the creature is also [AQUATIC] and lacks [NOBREATHE]
2010-12-10 06:03FootkerchiefDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5520#r5520
2010-12-10 06:03FootkerchiefTag Attached: Intentional/Expected?

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