Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0003848Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Townpublic2010-12-28 02:212012-03-02 17:57
resolvedunable to reproduce 
SDLUbuntu Linux10.04
0003848: Consistent CTD around shops in adventure mode
Basically, I have a modded game of Dorfs and wanted to have a bash at adv. mode. However, after procuring goods and then proceeding to the nearest town with shops, I found that whenever I tried to walk into a shop or walk away from said shops on normal walk mode, the game would crash. I've repeated this at a different location to the first occurrence and the same behaviour exists.

At the moment, this leaves me unable to trade as approaching shops would pretty much crash me out. A little game-breaking but since I can't really see similar bug reports here, I'm seeing whether it is to do with the mod I have put together or something else which is to do with the game itself. I have nothing popping up in the error log though with regards to the changes I've made (though might not point out potential other conflicts that might occur).
With Linux SDL version, this is how I encountered the crashes:

1) Find town with shop.
2) Travel to town with fast travel.
3) Exit out of Fast Travel on the town tile with shop.
4) Attempt to either walk into shop or walk out of the shop tile area.
5) ???

Walking around towns without shops seems to not incur the crashing behaviour.
I'll see if I can upload the save somewhere, but it will be rather... big at 33.1MB with tar.bz2 compression (0.3MB better than .zip!). Plus, current connection is not exactly reliable so I'll see what I can do in the mean time. I guess this is the result of like 500 years world history!
Save Included
related to 0004365resolved Footkerchief Adv Mode slowdown and crash 
Issue History
2010-12-28 02:21bluefingerNew Issue
2010-12-28 02:25bluefingerIssue Monitored: bluefinger
2010-12-28 02:35bluefingerNote Added: 0014729
2010-12-28 02:59bluefingerNote Added: 0014730
2011-12-11 15:45DwarfuNote Added: 0019147
2011-12-11 15:45DwarfuTag Attached: Save Included
2011-12-11 15:45DwarfuTag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2011-12-13 07:59DwarfuRelationship addedrelated to 0004365
2012-03-02 17:56DwarfuTag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2012-03-02 17:57DwarfuNote Added: 0021009
2012-03-02 17:57DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2012-03-02 17:57DwarfuResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2012-03-02 17:57DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

2010-12-28 02:35   
Ahhh, i forgot to add that I am using the Phoebus Graphics pack as well. Just adding that there.
2010-12-28 02:59   
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=3614 [^]

This is the save game with an easy setup for seeing the bug. Just walk towards or away from the shop in normal walk mode.
2011-12-11 15:45   
Reminder sent to: bluefinger

I'm not able to get your save to reproduce this in a vanilla version 31.18 or 31.25 for windows systems. Are you able to reproduce this without your mods?
2012-03-02 17:57   
This report is probably moot anyways with the complete rewrite of towns/shops.