Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0000395Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Military Screenpublic2010-04-04 06:592014-01-26 09:39
0000395: Can assign specific uniform items that are already assigned to the same dwarf (or someone else)
Unable to select multiple gloves or boots when assigning specific items to a dwarf. You can only select one of each.
Go to military menu. Go to equip. Attempt to assign specific gloves and boots to a dwarf.
related to 0000535acknowledged Toady One Equipping weapons/armor on military is erratic 
Issue History
2010-04-04 06:59moontayleNew Issue
2010-04-04 17:40QloosTag Attached: Equipment
2010-06-01 10:51moontayleNote Added: 0007532
2014-01-26 09:39FootkerchiefSummaryCannot select multiple gloves/boots in uniform screen => Can assign specific uniform items that are already assigned to the same dwarf (or someone else)
2014-01-26 09:39FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0000535

2010-06-01 10:51   
Want to add that this isn't really a bug perse as a design flaw. When you assign a specific item to a person that item remains in the "pool of equipment" for you to look through. Since there's no real way to tell Glove 0000001 from Glove 0000002 you can simply select the same glove over and over again making you believe that this is impossible.