Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004328Dwarf FortressCivilizations/Entities -- Generalpublic2011-03-25 04:032011-03-25 04:42
Knight Otu 
Toady One 
0004328: Rodent men not part of SUBTERRANEAN_ANIMAL_PEOPLES entity
When rodent men were added back into the game, they were not out into the SUBTERRANEAN_ANIMAL_PEOPLES entity the other animal men are in.
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Issue History
2011-03-25 04:03Knight OtuNew Issue
2011-03-25 04:42Toady OneStatusnew => resolved
2011-03-25 04:42Toady OneFixed in Version => 0.Upcoming
2011-03-25 04:42Toady OneResolutionopen => fixed
2011-03-25 04:42Toady OneAssigned To => Toady One

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