Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0000441Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2010-04-04 19:492011-03-15 21:38
closedno change required 
PCWindows Vistameh
0000441: Assigning dwarves to the military is a huge PITA
Okay, this new interface for assigning dwarves to the military is a total nightmare! Instead of using the familiar units screen it uses it's own custom screen. Here are some of the issues with that.

When assigning a dwarf to your squad you have no way of knowing if he is already in a different squad, which frequently results in you having to go back and assign new dwarves to fill the slots you've accidentially emptied in the other squad.

As has been mentioned in another thread, you also have no way of knowing if a dwarf in a squad is even still alive, since death does not remove a dwarf from a squad.

Futhermore, when you do select a dwarf, and press enter to put him in the squad it yanks the cursor back to the top of the list so you have to scroll down through everything to find another dwarf you might want to draft.

I've just spent the better part of an hour TRYING to assign four full squads of dwarves to deal with a crisis. Now that I've finally assigned them, they're off god knows where screwing off or something while everyone dies...
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0001785closed Footkerchief The new military system is like struggling through waist-deep molasses uphill in a blizzard 
Issue History
2010-04-04 19:49DoctorZuberNew Issue
2010-04-04 19:54DoctorZuberNote Added: 0000983
2010-04-04 19:57ercdvsNote Added: 0000984
2010-04-04 21:17RichardCoreyNote Added: 0000996
2010-04-04 22:34DoctorZuberNote Added: 0001002
2010-04-04 22:35DoctorZuberNote Edited: 0001002bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001002#r315
2010-04-04 22:36DoctorZuberNote Edited: 0001002bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001002#r316
2010-04-04 22:36DoctorZuberNote Edited: 0001002bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001002#r317
2010-04-04 22:37DoctorZuberNote Edited: 0001002bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001002#r318
2010-04-04 22:38DoctorZuberNote Edited: 0001002bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001002#r319
2010-04-04 22:40DoctorZuberNote Edited: 0001002bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001002#r320
2010-04-04 23:18DoctorZuberNote Edited: 0001002bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001002#r325
2010-04-05 00:01FootkerchiefNote Added: 0001017
2010-04-05 00:02FootkerchiefNote Edited: 0001017bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0001017#r331
2010-04-05 02:14AsheryNote Added: 0001039
2010-04-05 06:15Brandon816Note Added: 0001060
2010-04-07 19:45DoctorZuberNote Added: 0001920
2010-04-07 19:45DoctorZuberTag Attached: CLOSE THIS
2010-04-08 01:35FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2010-04-08 01:35FootkerchiefResolutionopen => no change required
2010-04-08 01:35FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2010-05-06 11:48FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0001785
2010-06-09 06:46Toady OneStatusresolved => closed
2011-03-15 21:38Logical2uTag Detached: CLOSE THIS

2010-04-04 19:54   
In the old system, drafting everyone into the military for a crisis took seconds, go to units menu, and start pressing a to activate everyone into the military.

In this new system, it's taken me nearly an hour to get 40 of 90 dwarves into a military to deal with this crisis. and I've given up on drafting anybody else, they can go hide in the burrow and pray they don't die or something.
2010-04-04 19:57   
suggestion.. not a bug
2010-04-04 21:17   
I like the new system. It needs some efficiency improvements -- like being able to tell what skills a dwarf has before drafting, or what other squads they belong to -- but other than that, it's incredibly easier to use.

Plus, this isn't a bug.
2010-04-04 22:34   
(edited on: 2010-04-04 23:18)
sorry, but no... while I recognize that there is the the potential for a lot of powerful features from this new system it's also a very flawed system as it is...

1. Dead dwarves need to be removed from existing squads.
2. The cursor needs to stay where it is when you select a dwarf.
3. there needs to be a clear way to see if a dwarf is already in a squad and what his profession is. (Color coding!)

the process to form a squad in 40d.
1. (u)nits menu
2. up/down arrow to choose a soldier
3. (a)ctivate a soldier
4. Repeat 2 and 3 as necessary for any number of soldiers

if desired, select a leader and group your soldiers
5. up/down select
6. enter to set leader
7. up/down to select anyone under his command
8. enter to select
9. repeat 3 and 4 as necessary to place anyone needed under your leaders command

The process to form a squad now...
1. (m)ilitary
2. Up/down arrows to locate your first squad
3. (l)Create squad
4. select your uniform
5. up/down arrow to select your newly formed squad
6. right arrow twice to get to the abbreviate unit list
7. scroll with Up-down-*-/ to select a soldier
8. press enter
9. repeat 7 and 8 to form the squad, each time you must scroll from the beginning of the unit list.

If more than 10 soldiers are desired...
Repeat all steps above AND....
10. return to all your squads and see how many of your soldiers are missing
11. repeat 7 and 8 until your squad is full again
12. repeat 10 on both squads again
13. continue repeating these steps until all squads are as full as desired.

It's these last four steps that are a huge killer, if you only want or need one squad sure, fine, but if you need to form a large army to deal with a sudden threat you can be sitting here arguing with it for hours trying to actually get your army formed.

And it's no good setting it all up long in advance either, since various random bits of misfortune will gradually reduce your army to nothing without ever even needing to make contact with any real enemy. Which leads you to the final insult... trying to prune out the dead soldiers...

14. (m)ilitary
15. up/down arrow to select squad members 2 to 10
16. enter
17. repeat 15 and 16 until only the leader remains.
18. remove the leader with 15 and 16 again
19. repeat 14 to 18 as necessary for all squads.
20. repeat steps 1 to 13 as necessary to reform your military from scratch

The process to form a squad as things stand now is incredibly time consuming. And this is just to replicate the capabilities present in 40d. I'm not even going into the steps necessary to add some of the new capabilities present in this version. As insanely tedious as this note looks? it took only a fraction of the time it took to actually draft 40 dwarves into the military in an attempt to survive after my first squad was quickly massacred by a megabeast.

2010-04-05 00:01   
(edited on: 2010-04-05 00:02)
When you're suggesting better ways of handling the interface, you're pretty much in Suggestions territory. I'll leave this open to avoid stifling discussion, but please do not continue to make reports of this nature.

Also, Toady knows it's crap.

2010-04-05 02:14   
While there are flaws in the current system, most of what you were complaining can be bypassed by simply giving every military dwarf a custom title along the lines of "Captain1" or "Axedwarf3."

This may add a bit of extra work, but I already screen all immigrants and give them custom titles relating to the work that they'd eventually take up. For example, back in 40d I'd assign all immigrants with an undesired moodable skill the title "H/M," that is a hauler to be recruited into the military.
2010-04-05 06:15   
Related forum thread here: http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=53010.0 [^]
2010-04-07 19:45   
I do apologize for ranting about what is basically a feature request for a less poopy military interface. If you wish to close this go ahead. I know where the suggestions forum is now.