Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0004692Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Noblespublic2011-06-08 07:052015-12-13 07:03
Toady One 
normalminorhave not tried
0004692: Dwarven Civ King arrives but is Human and Tame
Recently got a King coming to my fortress, with his entourage. But the King isn't a noble, only a Tamed thing, so I can't assign him rooms. But I can still access his jobs preferences.

Save with Da King:
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4499 [^]
Save Included
has duplicate 0004826resolved Knight Otu Queen is tame human 
has duplicate 0006312resolved Knight Otu Elven king of Dwarves cannot be assigned rooms 
related to 0004611resolved Dwarfu Monarch arrived - is goblin. 
related to 0008103assigned Footkerchief Monarch arrives, is goblin, entourage become civilians and drop weapons on spawning 
Issue History
2011-06-08 07:05behbehrNew Issue
2011-06-08 09:33DwarfuRelationship addedchild of 0004611
2011-06-08 09:33DwarfuNote Added: 0017948
2011-06-08 09:36DwarfuSummaryKing is ... tamed -_- => Dwarven Civ King arrives but is Human and Tame
2011-06-08 09:36DwarfuTag Attached: Save Included
2011-06-08 13:22behbehrNote Added: 0017956
2011-07-15 06:55theothersteve7Note Added: 0018242
2011-08-14 03:36Knight OtuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0004826
2011-10-03 09:01TelarinIssue Monitored: Telarin
2012-08-08 11:04TheNextCrusadeNote Added: 0023428
2013-05-01 01:43Knight OtuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0006312
2014-08-21 12:32TalvienoNote Added: 0029431
2014-08-21 12:32TalvienoNote Edited: 0029431bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0029431#r11333
2014-08-21 12:51FootkerchiefRelationship replacedrelated to 0004611
2014-08-21 12:52FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0008103
2014-08-21 13:50TalvienoNote Added: 0029450
2014-08-21 14:04TalvienoNote Edited: 0029450bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0029450#r11339
2015-12-10 14:24HededeNote Added: 0033744
2015-12-10 14:25HededeNote Edited: 0033744bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0033744#r13592
2015-12-10 14:25HededeNote Edited: 0033744bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0033744#r13593
2015-12-10 14:26HededeIssue Monitored: Hedede
2015-12-10 14:34TalvienoNote Added: 0033746
2015-12-11 03:13Knight OtuNote Added: 0033758
2015-12-11 03:13Knight OtuStatusnew => resolved
2015-12-11 03:13Knight OtuFixed in Version => 0.42.01
2015-12-11 03:13Knight OtuResolutionopen => fixed
2015-12-11 03:13Knight OtuAssigned To => Toady One
2015-12-13 07:03HededeIssue End Monitor: Hedede
2016-02-17 08:07TelarinIssue End Monitor: Telarin

2011-06-08 09:33   
He is also human.
2011-06-08 13:22   
good point, didn't see that :)
2011-07-15 06:55   
This is more of an incomplete feature than anything, much like demons can show up as diplomats. It's still a bug as the tame human doesn't follow proper King behaviors and is basically a stray animal.
2012-08-08 11:04   
I have this to, In 34.11
2014-08-21 12:32   
Confirming this for 40.09, and will be adding a save with my tame goblin king.

2014-08-21 13:50   
(edited on: 2014-08-21 14:04)
Save for 40.09. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e6drnivrfnn89fe/entourage.zip [^]

Edit: Should also add: Although he's listed as a noble, he cannot work, cannot do tasks, and cannot be assigned rooms (even though he requires them). He can, however, be assigned to a pasture.

2015-12-10 14:24   
(edited on: 2015-12-10 14:25)
Just checked -- loaded last save (from above note) in 0.42.02, seems to be fixed.
Goblin king now is just like a “"normal" king, you can assign rooms, labors, positions and other stuff to him, and he isn't listed as “"tame”".

2015-12-10 14:34   
Excellent! We can mark it as resolved, then?
Knight Otu   
2015-12-11 03:13   
Yes, this can be marked fixed.