Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004803Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Moodspublic2011-08-05 10:092012-09-26 19:11
normalminorhave not tried
0004803: Moody dwarves not satisfied by imported/purchased/traded glass/metal
I've run two long-term fortresses in version 0.31.xx and have had over a hundred strange moods between the two of them, and every single artifact requiring raw glass has used green glass, never clear glass or crystal glass.

It's possible my sample set is too small, but back in, moody dwarves would frequently ask for raw clear glass if I happened to have any on-hand (and would never ask for raw crystal glass since I never had any) - perhaps this logic is still active in version 0.31.xx but is failing to detect the presence of raw clear/crystal glass...
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related to 0003408new  Human merchants bring raw clear/crystal glass despite not having access to pearlash 
related to 0008356resolved Footkerchief Dwarfs trie to build artifacts with materials which are impossible to get 
Issue History
2011-08-05 10:09QuietustNew Issue
2011-08-06 09:18DrazinonondaNote Added: 0018438
2011-08-06 10:58QuietustNote Added: 0018439
2012-01-26 15:13kwielandNote Added: 0019424
2012-01-26 15:13kwielandIssue Monitored: kwieland
2012-01-26 15:33kwielandNote Edited: 0019424bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0019424#r7285
2012-01-26 18:50QuietustNote Added: 0019425
2012-01-27 04:12kwielandNote Added: 0019426
2012-01-27 07:16FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0003408
2012-09-25 18:36QuietustNote Added: 0023611
2012-09-25 18:37QuietustNote Edited: 0023611bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0023611#r8818
2012-09-25 20:31QuietustNote Edited: 0023611bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0023611#r8819
2012-09-26 17:02FootkerchiefSummaryMoody dwarves never use raw clear/crystal glass => Moody dwarves not satisfied by imported/purchased/traded glass/metal
2012-09-26 19:11QuietustNote Added: 0023613
2012-09-26 19:11QuietustNote Edited: 0023613bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0023613#r8821
2014-09-26 08:39FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0008356

2011-08-06 09:18   
Could this be related somehow to 0001498?
2011-08-06 10:58   
Almost certainly not - that bug is solely related to the failure to recognize [CRYSTAL_GLASSABLE], which doesn't come into play at all when dealing with strange moods.
2012-01-26 15:13   
(edited on: 2012-01-26 15:33)
I have a dwarf who is requesting "clear raw glass". I'll post the file if it helps. I verified that the mood did use clear glass.

2012-01-26 18:50   
Huh, maybe I've just been really unlucky, or maybe it only asks for clear/crystal glass if you made it yourself (as opposed to trading for it).
2012-01-27 04:12   
I had clear glass that was both traded for and homemade. The mood used a traded for piece. I have a noble with a taste for clear glass, so I've made quite a lot of clear glass stuff. I wonder if that plays any roll in it being available for use in a mood?
2012-09-25 18:36   
(edited on: 2012-09-25 20:31)
Now that I've taken the time to examine the strange mood code, the criteria for glass selection appears to be whether or not you have created it within your fortress (moody metalworkers do a similar check to see if you've produced any of their favorite metal); presumably, purchasing glass from a caravan does not count.

2012-09-26 19:11   
To be clear, the problem is not that moody dwarves won't use imported goods - the problem is that they won't even decide to use clear/crystal glass (or their favorite metal) until you actually produce some of it on-site (to prove to them that demanding it won't doom them to insanity, which presumably happened back in 0.27.169.xx if you embarked in an area without sand); once you've made it at least once at any point in the history of your fortress, then they'll demand it at any time (whether you have any or not) and will use either locally-made or imported.