Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0004862Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Displaypublic2011-08-27 09:512013-03-05 17:08
0004862: Projectile animations do not work.
When thrown or fired, projectiles do not fly through the air - they just teleport to the destination square (this is only a problem with the display - they still hit things on their path).

This makes it really hard to spot archers (Why are these bolts appearing on the ground? Oh shit, I'm being attacked! - good luck finding out from which direction :P) and is annoying (Did I miss? Did I fire at all?).
Throw or fire something.
This issue is present both in the SDL version and the legacy version.

Workaround for the legacy version: [G_FPS_CAP:5000]
Workaround for the SDL version: [PRINT_MODE:PARTIAL:2] [G_FPS_CAP:5000]
(all other settings are left at their default values and the game is unmodified)

With these settings the projectile animations start to work correctly. They are still too fast, but at least you can sort of see their trajectory.

This post has two gifs that illustrate this bug:
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=84463.msg2264460#msg2264460 [^]

It was discussed in two places, but never reported in the bug tracker (at least I couldn't find it :P):

SDL vs LEGACY = LGCY wins!?
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=84463.0 [^]

Base delay factor?
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=78244.0 [^]

Ideal solution: add a new setting that controls how fast projectiles fly
through the air (e.g. [PROJECTILE_DELAY:10] will make them move 1 tile per 10ms or something like that).
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0006297resolved Knight Otu Arrows, severed body parts, and any flying projectiles aren't animated. 
Issue History
2011-08-27 09:51gmafkNew Issue
2011-08-27 10:03gmafkNote Added: 0018637
2013-03-05 17:08ANormalUsernameNote Added: 0023882
2013-03-05 17:40ANormalUsernameNote Edited: 0023882bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0023882#r8906
2013-03-06 06:36Knight OtuRelationship addedhas duplicate 0006297

2011-08-27 10:03   
BTW, this also affects severed body parts and monsters flying through the air after being hit by a hammer (I haven't tested the latter).
2013-03-05 17:08   
(edited on: 2013-03-05 17:40)
Problem with the SDL version settings, though, is those settings cause flickering for me in .34.11

If it was not implied, the problem is still present in version 0.34.11.