Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005214Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Designationspublic2012-02-17 00:332012-02-17 05:20
Dell Latitude D620 LaptopWindowsWindows 7
0005214: 'Remove Desgination' Fails on Taken Construct Jobs
If a job is taken by a Dwarf, the 'Remove Designation' designation fails to remove the job (specifically, in regards to removing constructions). To remove it, you must often use an alert to stop the Dwarf; before he/she can finish. Once the job is no longer taken, it may be removed.
1. Build a wall or floor.
2. Set it to be removed from the designation screen.
3. When a Dwarf is in the process of removing it, attempt to use the 'Remove Designation' designation to prevent him from doing so.
The bug in question is happening on the Mayday graphical version of the game, which is reputable and almost-always stable. The tileset shouldn't have any impact on the game, as it worked in previous versions.

Hopefully this can be reproduced and fixed on other computers. It is incredibly difficult to deal with, as this often means stopping every single job just to prevent a Dwarf from killing himself/herself.
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duplicate of 0005072resolved Toady One Removing designations doesn't cancel jobs that have already been claimed by dwarves 
Issue History
2012-02-17 00:33AussiemonNew Issue
2012-02-17 00:55AussiemonNote Added: 0019911
2012-02-17 01:35AussiemonNote Added: 0019914
2012-02-17 05:20Logical2uNote Added: 0019917
2012-02-17 05:20Logical2uRelationship addedduplicate of 0005072
2012-02-17 05:20Logical2uStatusnew => resolved
2012-02-17 05:20Logical2uResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-02-17 05:20Logical2uAssigned To => Logical2u

2012-02-17 00:55   
This also seems to be the case with removing other jobs that would normally be removed with the "Remove Designation" designation.
2012-02-17 01:35   
http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=5072 [^]
Same problem, it seems.
2012-02-17 05:20   