Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005290Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Input/Keybinding/Macrospublic2012-02-18 21:572015-02-02 10:29
resolvedunable to reproduce 
0005290: Ctrl and Shift send the game into a Macro-like thing
Happened 5 times already, 3 times with shift, 2 with ctrl. I was making long channels (so clicking one arrow key several times and then enter). Then, I would press ctrl or shift (for some other reason) and the game would start to register that last arrow key continuously (so Down continuously) UNTIL I pressed that arrow key again, only then would it stop.

It would then happen again next time I pressed Shift/ctrl. This would happen until the DF program lost focus (I click somewhere else on my PC). Only then would it stopped from happening.
1. Click an arrow key several times.
2. Click ctrl or shift.
3. The games starts to register that arrow key an infinite(?) amount of times. (MIGHT happen, seems to happen randomly).

4. Press the arrow key (same as before) to stop it.
5. Click ctrl or shift (depending on which activated it before).
6. The game starts to register that arrow key again.
7. Click on something else besides DF (Chrome?).
8. Click ctrl/shift again; nothing happens. Game works as intended.

This seems to happen at random.
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related to 0001454resolved Toady One Holding shift when navigating (to navigate faster) is sticky 
Issue History
2012-02-18 21:57NachtNew Issue
2012-02-18 22:04NachtIssue Monitored: Nacht
2012-02-18 22:05NachtIssue End Monitor: Nacht
2012-02-18 22:05NachtNote Added: 0020091
2012-02-19 08:09FootkerchiefCategoryAdventure Mode -- General => Technical -- Input/Keybinding/Macros
2012-02-19 08:09FootkerchiefNote Added: 0020125
2012-02-19 10:26NachtNote Added: 0020136
2012-02-20 04:31StebNote Added: 0020241
2012-02-20 06:00Granite26Note Added: 0020251
2012-02-20 08:11FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0001454
2012-02-20 13:59NachtNote Added: 0020287
2015-02-02 10:29lethosorNote Added: 0032117
2015-02-02 10:29lethosorStatusnew => resolved
2015-02-02 10:29lethosorResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2015-02-02 10:29lethosorAssigned To => lethosor

2012-02-18 22:05   
Err, I'm not sure how I missed this but this happened in Fortress Mode, no Adv. First bug report, so I guess I missed that field.
2012-02-19 08:09   
What OS are you using? Did you download the SDL or Legacy version of the game?
2012-02-19 10:26   
Win7, SDL.
2012-02-20 04:31   
I have had this bug before with DF2010, SDL version. It occurs only on my laptop and only when using the laptop keyboard, not an external keyboard. It affects both dwarf and adventure modes. I'm running Win XP.
2012-02-20 06:00   
Compare to 1454...

That has some potential solutions listed, although the specific issue went away.

Are you on a laptop?
2012-02-20 13:59   
No, I am on a IBuyPower desktop using the Razer Black Widow mechanical keyboard.
2015-02-02 10:29   
Please reopen this report or PM me or another manager on the forums if this is reproducible in v0.40.24+.