Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005308Dwarf FortressWorld Generation -- Generalpublic2012-02-19 12:022012-03-05 12:49
0005308: Unable to find Iron and Flux in the same area.
A bug dating back multiple versions; when you build the world, it becomes extremely difficult to find iron and flux in the same embark area in the map. This leads to a lack of steel, leading in turn to lots of Fun.
Generate a world, try to find a decent embark spot with iron and flux (at 2x2 area)
This also involves another bug, in which the Finder incorrectly marks areas that have no flux, even though you set it to only mark areas with flux.
No tags attached.
duplicate of 0002440resolved Toady One Flux is ignored in the Site Finder 
Issue History
2012-02-19 12:02PhansomNew Issue
2012-02-19 12:09PhansomTag Attached: I am using only the vanilla version.
2012-02-19 12:49QuietustNote Added: 0020158
2012-02-19 12:49QuietustNote Edited: 0020158bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0020158#r7536
2012-02-19 13:05FootkerchiefNote Added: 0020160
2012-02-20 21:52PhansomNote Added: 0020325
2012-02-21 06:46FootkerchiefNote Added: 0020362
2012-02-21 06:46FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0002440
2012-02-21 06:46FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2012-02-21 06:46FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-02-21 06:46FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2012-03-05 12:49Logical2uTag Detached: I am using only the vanilla version.

2012-02-19 12:49   
Not really a bug - regions like that are supposed to be uncommon.

You can increase your chances of finding them by boosting the mineral frequency - if your flux layer is sedimentary (Chalk, Dolomite, or Limestone) and contains minerals, then it's possible that one of those minerals will be Magnetite, an iron ore that occurs in large clusters.

2012-02-19 13:05   
2x2 is also an unusually small embark area. This might be a valid complaint if it was 3x3.
2012-02-20 21:52   
Ya, only tried once with 3x3; there was iron but no flux (despite it saying in the world finder that there was flux).
It is POSSIBLE to find them in the same area, just extremely rare. I've maxed mineral frequency, used finder, etc.
2012-02-21 06:46   
Rarity is okay. I'm going to chalk up the truly buggy aspects of this report to 0002440. It's hard to make any balance calls until that's fixed.