Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005444Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Input/Keybinding/Macrospublic2012-02-25 08:142012-03-06 16:17
resolvedno change required 
0005444: ESC doesn't work in DF
the ESC just doesn't work in ESC. I have to change the bindings to a different buttn. Play DF for over 4 years and this is the first time I have the problem. Since version .34
it just doesn't work ingame.
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Issue History
2012-02-25 08:14the_hdkNew Issue
2012-02-25 09:30XotanoNote Added: 0020660
2012-02-25 12:32FootkerchiefNote Added: 0020669
2012-02-25 12:32FootkerchiefNote Edited: 0020669bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0020669#r7700
2012-02-25 12:48the_hdkNote Added: 0020675
2012-02-25 12:53FootkerchiefNote Added: 0020677
2012-02-25 12:53FootkerchiefNote Edited: 0020677bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0020677#r7702
2012-03-06 15:19the_hdkNote Added: 0021190
2012-03-06 16:17DwarfuNote Added: 0021191
2012-03-06 16:17DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2012-03-06 16:17DwarfuResolutionopen => no change required
2012-03-06 16:17DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

2012-02-25 09:30   
strange maybe your keyboard is broken, i'm not having a problem with it at all. i can hit ESC and open the menu and then hit it again to go back to the game.
maybe you should post your computer info as it might just MAYBE be something to do with DF on that specific computer type.
2012-02-25 12:32   
Reminder sent to: the_hdk

Does your Esc key work in other applications?

Also, what OS are you using?

2012-02-25 12:48   
Im using Windoms 7 64bit

and yes the esc button works in every other application. so its not broken.
2012-02-25 12:53   
Are you using the vanilla download from http://bay12games.com/dwarves/ [^] or a third-party repackaging such as the Lazy Newb Pack? Have you tried redownloading the game?

What keyboard layout are you using in the Windows keyboard setup?

2012-03-06 15:19   
ok guys I fixed it. I figured it out. it seems Adobe PhotoShop blocks other programs from using the ESC button. (I have that program on nearly always like iTunes so I didnt notice it)

really silly of me. sorry to waste your time :(
2012-03-06 16:17   
Thanks for the follow-up.