Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005476Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2012-02-26 20:162012-02-26 22:46
0005476: You can't butcher vermin but you can buy goods that require it.
You can buy vermin meat and leather despite not being able to produce them yourself. You also get creatures wearing clothes made from vermin leather. They clutter up the stockpile and embark lists.

While I could see someone killing many a rat to make a rat leather cloak I'm not sure if it would really be feasible to tan rat skins or if you should get people trading them.

Leather is easily removed from any creature using the following:

Stopping their meat from being edible is more complicated.
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child of 0000218confirmed Footkerchief Vermin meat/organs can be obtained from embark/caravan 
Issue History
2012-02-26 20:16VatticNew Issue
2012-02-26 20:23Logical2uRelationship addedchild of 0000218
2012-02-26 22:46NW_KohakuNote Added: 0020785

2012-02-26 22:46   
You fool! You'll put the fly brain preparer industry out of a job!