Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005570Dwarf FortressArtistic Images (engravings etc)public2012-03-07 11:282015-03-02 07:25
lowminorhave not tried
0005570: Artifacts hold pictures of future artifacts OR change when not viewed
I had an artifact created, DIDN'T look at it's description. After another one created, I looked at both descriptions and found an image of the latter engraved in the former
see http://tnypic.net/1a5b0.png [^] for the first artifact
see http://tnypic.net/03317.png [^] for the legends artifact list
for the first possibility, not confirmed: get an artifact, look at it if there are possible future things engraved (like other artifacts)
for the second possibility, not confirmed: get an artifact, DON'T look at it, duplicate the save, look in one save for the description, STILL DON'T look at it in the other, get there another artifact, then look at the description of the first
artifacts, future
related to 0001906new  Artifact created with image of itself 
related to 0007477new  Old Memorial slab records date tomb guardian was killed by me, instead of original date of death 
related to 0004554new  If an artifact container belongs to a stockpile, the stockpile label shows up in descriptions of art that depict the artifact 
related to 0008124confirmed Footkerchief Images can portray events the creator shouldn't know about 
Issue History
2012-03-07 11:28MrAndersonNew Issue
2012-03-07 11:28MrAndersonIssue Monitored: MrAnderson
2012-03-07 11:29MrAndersonIssue End Monitor: MrAnderson
2012-03-07 11:29MrAndersonIssue Monitored: MrAnderson
2012-03-07 11:30MrAndersonTag Attached: artifacts
2012-03-07 11:30MrAndersonTag Attached: future
2012-03-07 12:38Logical2uNote Added: 0021225
2012-03-07 12:56MrAndersonNote Added: 0021227
2012-03-07 13:09FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0001906
2012-04-09 03:02MrAndersonNote Added: 0022175
2012-04-09 05:47MrAndersonNote Edited: 0022175bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0022175#r8254
2012-04-09 06:30QuietustNote Added: 0022176
2012-04-09 06:48QuietustNote Edited: 0022176bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0022176#r8256
2012-04-09 09:52dree12Note Added: 0022177
2014-07-19 02:20Knight OtuRelationship addedrelated to 0007477
2014-08-23 07:56FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0004554
2014-08-23 07:56FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0008124
2014-08-23 10:11QuietustNote Added: 0029530
2015-03-02 07:254maskwolfIssue Monitored: 4maskwolf
2018-04-16 11:42HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll

2012-03-07 12:38   
Have you checked the game log to check the order of events? I suspect that the artifact list might not be sorted in any reasonable order.
2012-03-07 12:56   
yes, the toy axe is on line 2080, the armor stand on line 4402 in my notepad. also, ingame the artifact list (via "l")lists the artifacts in the correct order, toy axe before armor stand
2012-04-09 03:02   
(edited on: 2012-04-09 05:47)
just had the same thing again:
old artifact: http://tnypic.net/a5b72.jpg [^]
new artifact: http://tnypic.net/b7c52.jpg [^] on the bottom line
same story as above, didn't check the artifacts for some time, and when I did, this was the outcome

2012-04-09 06:30   
(edited on: 2012-04-09 06:48)
Version 0.34 seemingly updated the handling of art images to allow their generation to be deferred (see the devlog entry for 02/04/2012), and failing to actually view the artifact immediately after its creation is apparently causing the images to be chosen differently (since there's now more stuff to choose from).

2012-04-09 09:52   
I can't test this properly, but is it possible for an engraving to detail an event in the future?
2014-08-23 10:11   
dree12: no, it is not possible for the reason that the game needs to examine the contents of the art image in order to decide what character to display on the engraved tile.