Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress |
View Issue Details |
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0005665 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Immigration | public | 2012-03-17 15:15 | 2014-07-22 22:16 |
Reporter | krenshala | |
Assigned To | Toady One | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |
Platform | | OS | Gentoo Linux | OS Version | amd64 (stable) |
Product Version | 0.34.05 | |
Target Version | | Fixed in Version | 0.40.01 | |
Summary | 0005665: non-historical figures have 1 granite birthdays |
Description | Having finally had the time to upgrade to 0.34.05 and start a new fortress, I embarked, and after the second migration wave have a population of 15 dwarves. The starting seven all have the usual, apparently random, dates of birth. However, of the eight migrants that have arrived as of 11 Sandstone 551, six show a birth day of the 1st of Granite (in the years 428, 458, 464, 465, 473 and 477).
I did not experience this with either of my two (failed) fortresses in 0.34.04.
I'm guessing that the two migrants that don't have a 1st of Granite birthday are historical figures as they list parents and grandparents, while the rest only show fortress members and spouses, if married.
Steps To Reproduce | |
Additional Information | This may be related to 0003272, however, I do not know at this time if that is the case (nobody has been at the fort long enough).
I've made the save from right before the second migrant wave available: koboldi.net/dwarffortress/bugged-birthdays.tar.bz2 (102Mb). There are two dwarves (Tobul Mistemdodok and Vobok Ginonfeb) that show the 1 Granite birthday at the point of the save.
Tags | No tags attached. |
Relationships | |
Attached Files | |
Issue History |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-03-17 15:15 | krenshala | New Issue | |
2012-03-22 17:08 | krenshala | Note Added: 0021667 | |
2012-03-23 08:57 | zombiejustice | Issue Monitored: zombiejustice | |
2012-03-26 17:24 | krenshala | Note Added: 0021770 | |
2012-03-26 17:24 | krenshala | Note Edited: 0021770 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021770#r8119 |
2012-03-29 23:28 | zombiejustice | Issue End Monitor: zombiejustice | |
2012-03-30 07:23 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0021917 | |
2012-03-30 07:23 | Footkerchief | Status | new => resolved |
2012-03-30 07:23 | Footkerchief | Fixed in Version | => 0.34.06 |
2012-03-30 07:23 | Footkerchief | Resolution | open => fixed |
2012-03-30 07:23 | Footkerchief | Assigned To | => Toady One |
2012-03-30 22:38 | krenshala | Note Added: 0021934 | |
2012-03-30 22:38 | krenshala | Status | resolved => needs feedback |
2012-03-30 22:38 | krenshala | Resolution | fixed => reopened |
2012-03-30 22:39 | krenshala | Note Edited: 0021934 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021934#r8159 |
2012-03-30 23:04 | krenshala | Note Edited: 0021934 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021934#r8160 |
2012-03-30 23:34 | krenshala | Note Edited: 0021934 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021934#r8161 |
2012-03-31 18:07 | krenshala | Note Edited: 0021934 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021934#r8169 |
2012-05-28 16:12 | krenshala | Note Added: 0022772 | |
2012-05-28 16:12 | krenshala | Status | needs feedback => assigned |
2012-05-29 10:19 | Footkerchief | Assigned To | Toady One => |
2012-05-29 10:19 | Footkerchief | Status | assigned => new |
2012-06-24 11:00 | krenshala | Note Added: 0023101 | |
2014-07-22 22:09 | krenshala | Note Added: 0027286 | |
2014-07-22 22:13 | krenshala | Note Edited: 0027286 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0027286#r10230 |
2014-07-22 22:16 | Footkerchief | Status | new => resolved |
2014-07-22 22:16 | Footkerchief | Fixed in Version | 0.34.06 => 0.40.01 |
2014-07-22 22:16 | Footkerchief | Resolution | reopened => fixed |
2014-07-22 22:16 | Footkerchief | Assigned To | => Toady One |
Notes |
New fortress in a new world, and of my migrants so far, all but two are historical (family back to grand parents, at least) and the two non-historicals both have 1 granite birthdays. This confirms, at least for me, that it is repeatable. |
I have started receiving my third migration wave (spring 252) for my first 34.06 fortress and so far, none of my dwarves have a 1 granite birthday. Since I know at least three are non-historical, I think this one may be resolved.
Please reopen this report or PM me on the forums if this problem is still present in 0.34.07+. |
2012-03-30 22:38
(edited on: 2012-03-31 18:07) |
Apparently I spoke to soon. I just received my first migrant wave in 34.07 with a brand new world, and all five (starting slow, and in a clay layer) have a 1 granite birthday. I suspect one to be a vampire, as she arrived with a chicken, but not her husband, but none of the rest have more than a spouse listed in relations (year 1051). I will update this note if the next wave is the same.
[edit] darn, she isn't a vamp, unless they eat plump helmets. ;)
[edit2] Just received the second (wimpy) wave. Here are all of my dwarves as of the this point (S7 = starting seven, + female, ^ male, M: <spouse>):
Deduk Ablelshalig ^ 06 Moon 1000 {S7}
Erib Bekomolin + 04 Lime 990 {ELDR} {S7}
Asob Ingishidash + 27 Gran 988 {S7}
Adil Rakustvathez + 15 Lime 995 {S7}
Nomal Arrosingish ^ 18 Fels 988 {S7}
Sazir Ritharadil ^ 16 Slat 986 {S7}
Sazir Logemarel + 11 Mala 982 {S7}
Stinthad Zudenvucar + 01 Gran 981 M: Domas Degelmamot
Domas Degelmamot ^ 01 Gran 980 M: Stinthad Zudenvucar
Kikrost Udillogem + 01 Gran 956 M: Obok Kathilimush (?)
Erush Mokezfikod + 01 Gran 954 M: Rith Mebzuthrisen
Rith Mebzuthrisen ^ 01 Gran 948 M: Erush Mokezfikod
Sakzul Akrultomem + 01 Gran 932
Nil Mebzuthcagith ^ 01 Gran 928 M: Ber Alathostath
Ber Alathostath + 01 Gran 926 M: Nil Mebzuthcagith
None of these appear to be historical, as the only relationships shown are the spouses that are all present (with the exception of Kikrost Udillogem's MIA spouse).
[edit2] Just got a 28 dwarf migrant wave (third wave for the fortress). Other than the Starting Seven, all of my dwarves currently have a birthday of 1 Granite.
Just an update. Finally had time to try 34.10, and I think this still exists, but haven't received enough dwarves to tell for sure yet. |
I got a bunch of historical figures in my first 0.34.11 fort, however, that one died (zombies) and I have started a new one. So far, the only dwarves that don't have a 1 Granite birthday are the babies born in the fort and the starting seven.
Here is the info on my current fortress population after just over one year of play. As before, this is Phoebus, linux, with no (other) mods.
Founding Seven (1 Granite, 997)
Zon Logemamud, Miner/Mason – B. 28 San 929
Ral Nisgakrisen, Miner/Mason – B. 2 Tim 921, D. 7 Hem 998
Ingish Nethadil, Woodworker – B. 13 Sla 910
Onget Oltarraluk, Woodcutter – B. 21 Gal 915
Thob Akrulasteb, Jeweler – B. 4 Lim 931 – ELDR
Tobul Zursuluzol, Leatherworker – B. 26 Lim 943
Udib Stesokid, Fisherdwarf – B. 23 San 946
Children Born in Adillecad
Sakzul Ledegast B.24 Fel 998
Zulban Idashonul B. 22 Hem 998
Nish Dastoturvad B. 17 Mal 998
First Wave (27 Malachite, 997)
Tun Sengkulet, Miner/Mason – B. 1 Gra 890
Kubuk Endokebal, Mechanic – B. 1 Gra 884
Tekkud Urvadraluk, Carpenter – B. 1 Gra 881
Bembul Degelust, Armorsmith – B. 1 Gra 872
Shem Atiratzul, Leatherworker – B. 1 Gra 889
Amost Atirmegid, Speardwarf – B. 1 Gra 907
Minkot Vabokustuth, Weaponsmith – B. 1 Gra 908
Second Wave (9 Sandstone, 997)
Stodir Rigothvathez, Speardwarf – B. 1 Gra 907
Erush Rithlutlolor, Trader – B. 1 Gra 899 – BROKER
Kel Uthirsakzul, Speardwarf – B. 1 Gra 897
Cilob Dalzatcog, Speardwarf – B. 1 Gra 903
Olin Logemodgub, Speardwarf – B. 1 Gra 894
Udib Akircerol, Siege Engineer – B. 1 Gra 892 – MCDR
Iton Udardatan, Hunter – B. 1 Gra 884
Ast Akumkol, Surgeon/Cook – B. 1 Gra 875 – CMD |
2014-07-22 22:09
(edited on: 2014-07-22 22:13) |
Using 0.40.04 it looks like non-historical migrants no longer always have 1 Granite birthdays! So far (21 dwarves) all my dwarves are non-historical since I appear to have selected a (nearly) dead civ: no mountainhomes on the map, no liaison with the first caravan, but the civ screen does show a king and general still.
I say close this one as fixed as part of 0.40. I'm not sure which version it was fixed in, unfortunately, as this is the first 0.40 fort where it stood out as being resolved, but its definitely not an issue any more.