Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0005687Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2012-03-21 16:192014-03-29 21:25
Mac OS X10.7.2
0005687: Dwarven caravan arrives before humans leave, get "No merchants trading" entire time dwarven caravan is around
Description from the save I uploaded ( http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=5963 [^] ):

In this save, the humans have "embarked" but are actually still at the depot, while a dwarven caravan has just started unloading. If you order the broker to the depot and then let the game run:

1. One of the dwarven wagons will get stuck on the edge of the depot
2. The dwarven caravan will continue to say "still unloading" for an abnormally long time
3. The humans will leave
4. A wagon will break (I think it's the stuck one)
5. Two dwarves and two horses will wander to the edge of the map (but not leave)
6. The depot will now say "no merchants trading right now"
7. The dwarven caravan will eventually leave without ever offering a chance to trade
Download the save, order the broker to the depot and let it run.

I'm not sure what it takes to make this happen on a fresh save, because I'm pretty sure I've had a new caravan arrive while an old one was still at the depot before, and not had problems.
I've loaded the save twice since this initially happened, and I'm now 2/3 on hitting the bug. I think on the last run the humans left just a little sooner.
No tags attached.
related to 0005418acknowledged Dwarfu Members of caravans lost on approach causes caravan to get stuck at depot with "no merchants trading" 
has duplicate 0006023resolved Footkerchief Wagons have clipped into constructed walls 
Issue History
2012-03-21 16:19PetWolverineNew Issue
2012-03-21 22:04KogutNote Added: 0021648
2012-03-21 22:04KogutNote Deleted: 0021648
2012-03-21 22:48TurkeyXIIINote Added: 0021649
2012-03-27 07:23TelarinNote Added: 0021791
2012-03-27 07:23TelarinNote Edited: 0021791bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0021791#r8124
2012-05-28 15:02slinkNote Added: 0022770
2012-05-28 15:03slinkNote Edited: 0022770bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0022770#r8474
2012-06-15 09:04FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0005418
2012-06-15 09:04FootkerchiefRelationship addedhas duplicate 0006023
2012-06-15 09:05FootkerchiefNote Added: 0023018
2012-06-15 17:06aubeNote Added: 0023023
2012-06-21 12:54DiNote Added: 0023082
2012-06-23 07:15KumquatNote Added: 0023094
2012-09-26 09:43musicmastermshNote Added: 0023612
2012-10-26 18:02martinuzzNote Added: 0023683
2013-06-28 21:42MrCNote Added: 0024042
2013-11-10 08:07SusNote Added: 0024203
2013-11-15 13:41SusNote Edited: 0024203bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0024203#r9040
2014-03-29 21:25DwarfuNote Added: 0024644
2014-03-29 21:25DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu
2014-03-29 21:25DwarfuStatusnew => acknowledged

2012-03-21 22:48   
I have a long entryway only 4 tiles wide, and I hit this bug when the humans tried to leave as the dwarven caravan was already in the tunnel. They couldn't get past each other, and caused a pile-up of every wagon smooshed into this tiny part of the tunnel. Eventually some of the wagons broke, and the others were able to leave.

I think the 'still unloading' thing was because the wagons hadn't reached the deopt, even though the merchants with pack animals had.

Save is unavailable, I just let it run until it fixed itself.
2012-03-27 07:23   
I have encountered this same issue. With the addition that everything on the wagons that "break" seems to suddenly become my property as my dwarves haul it off to stockpiles.

Additionally, I had the wagons pile up outside of my entry way, where there is PLENTY of space for one of the wagons to have gone around rather than pile into each other.

2012-05-28 15:02   
(edited on: 2012-05-28 15:03)
I have a save of a situation similar to TurkeyXIII's report. The Human caravan was leaving as the Dwarven caravan arrived, through a 3-wide tunnel. The Dwarven traders on foot made it to the depot and began unloading. The wagons of the two caravans could not pass. Eventually a Dwarven wagon broke and the Dwarven traders in the depot cancelled trading. Prior to that they were showing as trading but not as finished unloading. When all of the Dwarven wagons had broken, the Human wagons were able to leave and the Dwarven traders on foot also left after some time had passed. The save is from before any Dwarven wagons have broken.

http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=6392 [^]

2012-06-15 09:05   
aube posted this save at 0006023: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=6497 [^]
2012-06-15 17:06   
In my case, the wagons got stuck as they were passing under my "mister/bathtub". I found that result a little surprising since the whole set up was designed so that the water would never be deeper than 3/7.
Also, deconstructing the walls allowed the wagons to proceed, but some of the tiles bugged so that I was getting "occupied by creature" notices when I tried to rebuild the walls, even though the tiles were empty. I tried everything I could think of, including tearing down and rebuilding surrounding stretches of the wall and channeling the tiles in question so that they couldn't be occupied. Nothing worked.
2012-06-21 12:54   
Freshy and crunchy bugged save from version 34.11 : http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=6543 [^]
2012-06-23 07:15   
If any of the wagons 'dies', then it's probably the same case as when merchants get attacked by an ambush while they are around. Wagon is technically a type of pack animal after all.
2012-09-26 09:43   
The front dwarf and human wagons get stuck on each other, then all the rest of the wagons in each caravan pile up behind. Next thing I know, there's a pile of five or six dead wagons {wagon wood}. I haven't been able to trade with dwarves in several game years as they always get caught by the humans leaving.
2012-10-26 18:02   
I have the same issue. See screenshot at http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=118240.0. [^]
Interesting observation: After 5 wagons broke down into wagon wood logs, all remaining human and dwarven traders made for the map edge. Suddenly they stopped moving again. I found out why: I had unforbidden the cages with pet animals dropped by the caravan, for retrieval. This stopped the movement towards the map edge for the caravan. The moment the last cage became forbidden again, they continued moving. The pets in the cages are still listed as merchant(caged). So it seems that while they're ignored in a forbidden cage, as long as the cage is unforbidden, the caravan will stand ground and wait for the animals.
2013-06-28 21:42   
I have a similar issue but no Human Merchants were on the map when the Dwarf caravan arrived. most of the wagons got to the depot save one and a few pack animals that just stopped were they were for no apparent reason. The wagon just died when the season changed and left a bunch of junk on the ground...
2013-11-10 08:07   
(edited on: 2013-11-15 13:41)
I've run into this exact issue again.
My entrance corridor is 7 tiles wide specifically to allow the coming and going wagons path past each other, yet they both insist on using the inner edge of the corridor and become stuck, despite there being ample space on the outer edge.

Further note: After one of the stuck caravans (not sure which) was destroyed by a drawbridge, the lead wagon of next year's human caravan displayed unusual behavior. Apparently moving at a significant fraction of c, it made its way from the map edge to trade depot (several hundred tiles away) in ten seconds flat real time, with the game running at about 7 FPS at the time. The rest of the wagons trundled along at their usual pace.

2014-03-29 21:25   
The underlying cause might be a duplicate of 0005418, but I'm acknowledging this because of all the saves provided.