Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0006024Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Embarkpublic2012-06-14 21:132012-06-15 09:06
MacOS X10.7
0006024: Searching for Flux via "Find desired location" on world with minerals set to "everywhere"
When I generate a world with "Mineral Occurrence" set to "Everywhere" the "Find desired location" feature is unable to locate any sites with Flux Stone. When I generate a world with "Mineral Occurrence" set to "Frequent" the "Find desired location" feature is able to locate sites with Flux Stone. I generated about 10 worlds this way and was able to reproduce the problem every time.
- Generate world with "Mineral Occurrence" set to "Everywhere"
- Start a new game to access "Choose Fortress Location" screen
- perform "Find Desired Location" search
     - I used the following settings each time:
         X Dimension: 4
         Y Dimension: 4
         Savagery: Low
         Evil: N/A
         Elevation: N/A
         Temperature: Medium
         Rain: N/A
         Drainage: N/A
         Flux Stone: Yes
         Aquifer: No
         River: Yes
         Shallow Metal: Multiple
         Deep Metal: Multiple
         Soil: <= Some
         Clay: N/A
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duplicate of 0005732resolved Toady One Site finder doesn't see flux/coal if metal ores are present 
Issue History
2012-06-14 21:13mtaNew Issue
2012-06-15 03:40cybergonNote Added: 0023009
2012-06-15 07:21ZaraIssue Monitored: Zara
2012-06-15 07:30ZaraNote Added: 0023012
2012-06-15 09:06FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0005732
2012-06-15 09:06FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2012-06-15 09:06FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2012-06-15 09:06FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2012-06-15 03:40   
It would seem to me that the site finder looks for layers that are made entirely out of flux stone, with absolutely no veins or clusters. Setting mineral occurrence to everywhere fills every layer with precisely that, hence this bug.
2012-06-15 07:30   
Duplicate Reports / Workaround

This is the same bug that was reported several times for previous versions, see e.g. bug # 2440.

I was surprised that the older reports were marked as 'resolved', since the bug obviously persists. Since I always create custom worlds with 'mineral scarcity' set to 100,I just took the usual workaround. Test for flux by embarking at a locations, and try a different location if it doesn't have any, or create a new world. I used to do that before a site finder way implemented, anyway.

Considering workarounds, Cybergons Note is also helpful; If his impression is correct, increasing mineral scarcity wouldn't be a possible workaround, unless you'd be willing to accept a high chance of a total lack of coal and sedimentary iron sources.