Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0006162Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Embark/Setuppublic2012-08-12 15:092014-01-26 10:00
windows7home premium
0006162: embark on world with joyous and terrifying in same embark, terrifying not producing trees or plants
ok i found out how to make a patchwork world by adjusting the savagery to 3200 3200 in advanced generation, i have embarked on 2 separate locations and both times the evil biome had no fauna whatsoever, is the world gen crapping out when it sees good and evil in same embark or is this standard behavior
1. create world with advanced parameters change savagery x and y to 3200 each
   adjust desired good and evil chances in large subregion to 15000,
   change max subregions to 5000,
2. create world and find an embark with joyous wilds woodland next to terrifying woodland.
3. embark
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duplicate of 0003257acknowledged Footkerchief Embarking on both a good and evil biome with same savagery prevents evil creatures from spawning 
Issue History
2012-08-12 15:09kreepergrimmsNew Issue
2012-08-12 18:00kreepergrimmsNote Added: 0023446
2012-08-13 05:11ScandinavianNote Added: 0023449
2012-08-13 12:35kreepergrimmsNote Added: 0023451
2012-08-13 15:31RiderofDarkNote Added: 0023453
2012-08-13 15:35RiderofDarkNote Edited: 0023453bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0023453#r8758
2012-08-13 22:51kreepergrimmsNote Added: 0023454
2012-08-14 15:35RiderofDarkNote Added: 0023458
2012-08-14 16:02kreepergrimmsNote Added: 0023459
2012-08-15 14:07RiderofDarkNote Added: 0023461
2014-01-26 10:00FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0003257
2014-01-26 10:00FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2014-01-26 10:00FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-01-26 10:00FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief

2012-08-12 18:00   
also while having both good and evil in the same embark neither good or evil creatures come into the world, only a bunch of animal people going into another world gen to see if this continues
2012-08-13 05:11   
The absence of trees and shrubs is also true for savage/evil mixed embarks. The absence of trees from evil biomes have, in all the cases I have observed, been intentional (or at least consistent with the site report from the embark screen), but the absence of shrubs has been inconsistent with the information in the embark screen (and rather annoying, because it precludes the production of silver dye).
2012-08-13 12:35   
both showed as woodland and i did find one world that had some dead grumplongs in a frozen biome but no new trees grew
2012-08-13 15:31   
(edited on: 2012-08-13 15:35)
There is a separate, hidden parameter to good/evil biomes. Evil biomes can appear as normal biomes, where nothing looks different. They can also appear with the glumprong trees and evil grass. Or all plant life in that evil biome is utterly dead.

Edit: Good biomes follow a similar pattern, as well.

This looks like normal behaviour to me.

2012-08-13 22:51   
i was mainly hoping for the glumprong and silver barbs along with sun berries, also was hoping to have unicorns and ogres spawning on the same map
2012-08-14 15:35   
That's a rare occurrence. I've not hunted for a setup like that in a long time, but you're in for a great deal of hunting to have an embark with both sun berries and sliver barbs. Both are generated in their respective environments, so it's a matter of finding an evil biome next to a good biome and getting lucky.

If you do go hunting, good luck!
2012-08-14 16:02   
thats why i did the advanced embark, so far every embark has sunberries but the evil biomes which say they are woodlands and plenty of plants come up completely barren, ive tried with 90% evil biome and 10% good, the good has trees and plants fine, but not even normal plants will grow in the evil
2012-08-15 14:07   
I've scoured a couple dozen evil biomes (high standards for embarks), and it seemed like more than half were dead, so I know that frustration. But there were some that had glumprong and sliver barbs as well, so I know they're generating properly. Finding an embark with both sun berries and sliver barbs is very hit and miss.