Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress |
View Issue Details |
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000710 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit View | public | 2010-04-07 05:38 | 2011-03-23 22:05 |
Reporter | oliver | |
Assigned To | Dwarfu | |
Priority | low | Severity | trivial | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | |
Platform | native Windows | OS | Windows XP | OS Version | SP3 |
Product Version | 0.31.01 | |
Target Version | | Fixed in Version | | |
Summary | 0000710: Treatment history has an empty entry |
Description | My fortress is just recovering from a goblin ambush.
Two of the resting dwarves have treatment histories with just one entry that doesn't actually contain anything other than a date, i.e.:
23th Obsidian, 54:
- Urist McUrist
(Usually there would be an "Evaluated" or similar after the date.)
Steps To Reproduce | |
Additional Information | |
Tags | No tags attached. |
Relationships | duplicate of | 0003939 | resolved | Toady One | Blank Health History |
Attached Files | |
Issue History |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-04-07 05:38 | oliver | New Issue | |
2010-04-07 10:22 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0001782 | |
2010-08-26 22:46 | Dwarfu | Note Added: 0012106 | |
2010-08-26 22:46 | Dwarfu | Tag Attached: Intentional/Expected? | |
2011-03-23 22:05 | Dwarfu | Tag Detached: Intentional/Expected? | |
2011-03-23 22:05 | Dwarfu | Note Added: 0016506 | |
2011-03-23 22:05 | Dwarfu | Relationship added | duplicate of 0003939 |
2011-03-23 22:05 | Dwarfu | Status | new => resolved |
2011-03-23 22:05 | Dwarfu | Resolution | open => duplicate |
2011-03-23 22:05 | Dwarfu | Assigned To | => Dwarfu |
Notes |
This happens sometimes with the "Brought to bed" event or whatever it's called, but it doesn't seem to be consistent. |
2010-08-26 22:46
I only see this when a dwarf is carried to the hospital (eg, his leg is chopped off) and isn't able to get there on his own - the entry simply shows who brought him in, though I guess there should be text added to let the player know this is exactly what happened. I'll leave this open, but add the Intentional? tag. |
2011-03-23 22:05
Since Toady resolved 0003939 for 31.22, I'm marking this as a duplicate. |