Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007133Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2014-07-12 09:242014-07-21 06:19
normalminorhave not tried
resolvedunable to reproduce 
PCWindows 7SP 1
0007133: Caravan disappeared
I am playing in a fun apocalyptic world. Dwarves were virtually extinct, their last Queen being killed by a night creature,and most of them were part of the gargantuan goblin Civilization. Humans were making a last stand.
I decided to create a dwarf fortress to stir up things a bit, knowing that most of the dwarves would be generated at the spot and none of the official positions would be taken.
The game began weell enough, the king/queen wasn't choosen immediately, and at autumn the caravan arrived, with the messages:

No outpost liaison? How curious...
A caravan from Lorbam Eges has arrived.

I hadn't built a Trade Depot yet, and rushed to complete it, but as soon as it was ready, I went to the spot where the caravan were...and nothing. It disappeared. There was no message, nothing.
 The only hint I found was the listing of a wagon at the units screen as missing.

Another weird situation was that every historical dwarf arriving with the migrants was arriving hostile. I think that they must have allegiances to the goblin civilization.

Expect another caravan? I will play some more and will save just before the next caravan arrive. In case of the save being useful.
No tags attached.
related to 0007185confirmed Footkerchief Horrified merchants immediately destroy their wagons, pack their goods and leave the depot 
Issue History
2014-07-12 09:24thvazNew Issue
2014-07-12 15:05thvazNote Added: 0026029
2014-07-13 09:52thvazNote Added: 0026148
2014-07-13 09:52thvazTag Attached: crash
2014-07-14 08:55FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0007185
2014-07-17 04:55thvazTag Attached: CLOSE THIS
2014-07-17 04:55thvazNote Added: 0026734
2014-07-21 06:03lethosorNote Added: 0027125
2014-07-21 06:03lethosorStatusnew => resolved
2014-07-21 06:03lethosorResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2014-07-21 06:03lethosorAssigned To => lethosor
2014-07-21 06:19thvazTag Detached: crash
2014-07-21 06:19thvazTag Detached: CLOSE THIS

2014-07-12 15:05   
The second caravan arrived without any problem.

Here is the save from the moment she arrives:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/09qe8omu0ur7fs9/region1.rar [^]

You don't need to login in dropbox to download the save.
2014-07-13 09:52   
In the next caravan the game crashed, I think when the new appointed liaison, one of the generated merchants, tried to talk with the broker. I reloaded the game but as I had lost too much time I retired the fortress ad tried to start an adventurer...and the game now always crash before entering the screen to choose the race. I uploaded the new save at https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxtsri94x9p6co1/region1_2.rar [^]

Maybe is one of the crashes already fixed, but didn't look like it.
2014-07-17 04:55   
It was for a previous version, no way to know if it was one of the fixed.
2014-07-21 06:03   
All right, resolving this as "unable to reproduce". If you are able to reproduce this in the current version (or a version compatible with it), please reopen this and provide a save. (We recommend http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^] as a centralized, reliable location for hosting saves.)