Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007219Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Generalpublic2014-07-13 10:422014-07-22 10:38
0007219: 29 Dwarves, fps dropped suddenly
I was running great at near 100fps and noticed it getting slow all of a sudden. Something happened that caused the fort to drop to 14fps. I only have 29 dwarves and not a lot built or going on at all. Running 40.02. Using the df starter pack on windows. i have an i5 3570k at 3.4ghz with 8gb ram. If I look at task manager, df is taking 25% cpu. If iI look at the individual cores, none of them are peaked, they all are about 25%. My total cpu usage is about 32% across all processes. total physical memory used is 4.42gb with df taking 518mb. windows 7
load save at http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=8942 [^] and it dropps immedietly
related to 0006549new  Fortress unretirement causes lag / slowness with military usage 
related to 0008076acknowledged lethosor Game starts to stutter really badly 
Issue History
2014-07-13 10:42radialmonsterNew Issue
2014-07-13 11:14KennelTag Attached: fps
2014-07-13 11:31FootkerchiefNote Added: 0026174
2014-07-13 11:31FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-07-13 11:31FootkerchiefStatusnew => needs feedback
2014-07-13 11:43radialmonsterNote Added: 0026177
2014-07-13 11:43radialmonsterStatusneeds feedback => assigned
2014-07-13 11:57radialmonsterNote Edited: 0026177bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0026177#r9750
2014-07-13 13:04radialmonsterNote Added: 0026193
2014-07-13 15:20radialmonsterNote Edited: 0026193bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0026193#r9765
2014-07-22 10:38FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0006549
2017-12-25 15:03lethosorRelationship addedrelated to 0008076
2018-04-16 18:11HuntthetrollIssue Monitored: Huntthetroll

2014-07-13 11:31   
Is it a reclaimed/unretired fortress?
2014-07-13 11:43   
(edited on: 2014-07-13 11:57)
brand new fortress. new generated world in 40.02, the first embarq i had in this world I believe.

2014-07-13 13:04   
(edited on: 2014-07-13 15:20)
I'm not sure what happens, but if I let this save just run by itself and sit for about an hour and come back to it the fps goes back up to 100. I mean they run out of food and a few dwarfs die, but I'm not exactly sure what causes the increase in fps as I come back an hour later and it's running great.