Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0007865Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Equipmentpublic2014-08-05 22:032014-08-05 23:12
normalminorhave not tried
0007865: Marksdwarves constant mismatch spam
I have no idea what marksdwarves can't pick up, but out of the 4 squads I have, and despite them being around for years they basically constantly go to the armor equipment pile and complain about mismatch.

This might be a leather armor complaint. They are the only squad wearing leather armor. There is ample leather armor sets in the stockpile. I notice that despite marking the items Green on the equipment screen most of them aren't wearing what they're supposed to be wearing (exact matches, on leather armor, helm, leggings, gloves, helm and shield)
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duplicate of 0007866resolved Footkerchief Marksdwarves constant mismatch spam 
Issue History
2014-08-05 22:03crossmrNew Issue
2014-08-05 22:46crossmrNote Added: 0028419
2014-08-05 23:12DwarfuRelationship addedduplicate of 0007866
2014-08-05 23:12DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2014-08-05 23:12DwarfuResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-08-05 23:12DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

2014-08-05 22:46   
not sure why this was submitted twice..the other copy has far more detail this can be deleted.