Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007867Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Equipmentpublic2014-08-05 23:352014-08-06 07:13
normalminorhave not tried
0007867: Replacing bolts works, but generates mismatch error every time.
I know we're in a real hurry to close shit around here, but maybe instead of being in such a rush to close something as duplicate one could wait for an answer since there is absolutely no way to contact someone directly through here.

In regards to:
http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=7866 [^]

My issue doesn't match any of those. I did search. After observing the behaviour more, and setting the leather armor to replace clothing, I noticed I was still getting the messages (though they are wearing the right armor now).

What is generating those messages seems to be bolts but it is NOT related to the bug he linked to. That bug is about dwarves not picking up anymore ammo. That is not the case.

What's happening is the dwarf finishes his bolt supply goes to the stockpile to pick up more and on the way there, kicks out a "equipment mismatch" error.

In my fort they are set to train with bone bolts. I have around 12000 bone bolts. Dozens of bins of them. Supply isn't an issue. Despite kicking up a mismatch error, they do continue going to the stockpile and get some bolts and go back and train more, so it is not related to the existing ammo bug. This also isn't related to the existing equipment mismatch bug as they're actually getting the item and this isn't about wearing equipment.

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duplicate of 0007866resolved Footkerchief Marksdwarves constant mismatch spam 
Issue History
2014-08-05 23:35crossmrNew Issue
2014-08-06 02:08LociNote Added: 0028424
2014-08-06 02:25crossmrNote Added: 0028425
2014-08-06 02:41crossmrNote Added: 0028426
2014-08-06 04:18LociNote Added: 0028431
2014-08-06 04:34crossmrNote Added: 0028432
2014-08-06 07:12FootkerchiefRelationship addedduplicate of 0007866
2014-08-06 07:12FootkerchiefStatusnew => resolved
2014-08-06 07:12FootkerchiefResolutionopen => duplicate
2014-08-06 07:12FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-08-06 07:13FootkerchiefNote Added: 0028437
2014-08-06 10:08FootkerchiefNote Edited: 0028437bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0028437#r10875

2014-08-06 02:08   
Are you actively producing more bolts? Mismatch errors generally indicate that the item that a dwarf was going to pick up was superseded by a new item (e.g. masterwork bone bolts swapped for superior bone bolts). Since bone bolts are produced in stacks of 5, and the typical marksdwarf carries many such stacks, the potential for at least one of his intended stacks to be superseded by new production is rather high. Try suspending creation of new bone bolts and see if the problem persists.

If no new bolts are being generated but the problem remains, it could be an assignment conflict. For example, marksdwarf A selects some masterwork bolts, leaving marskdwarf B only superior bolts. If marksdwarf A then cancels his selection, marksdwarf B might "upgrade" to the previously-unavailable masterwork bolts with a mismatch error. If you have hunters going on and off duty the potential for conflicting assignments may increase.

(Also, storing bolts in bins may be problematic. Try using a quantum bolt stockpile instead.)
2014-08-06 02:25   
I have something like 2 dozen bins, and now around 19000 bolts. While it's possible that a bin could be picked up, or another dwarf could select the same bolts, with that many bolts I'm guessing the chances have got to be low unless the marksdwarves are set up to take the the same bolts as a non-full bin by default (meaning it'd be the one getting picked up). There are plenty of times that they shoot together, finish together then go pick up together. (similar skill level, only 3 dwarves) they will then all basically mismatch spam together but still go pick it up. The bins that are getting filled up with bolts now are NOT the closest bins to the marks dwarves. They are on the the opposite end of the room from both the door and the barracks.

As soon as I'm back in game I'll try suspending the bonecarvers and see what happens. if that's the case hauling a bin really needs lower priority. Their touching a bin already prevents anyone else from tsking on something in it, but if they can now interrupt after someone has tsked on an item in the bin it's just too much.

as soon as I'm back in the game, I'll
2014-08-06 02:41   
Nope, it doesn't stop the mismatch spam. Even with both bone carvers suspended, and all bolts picked up, they're still kicking up messages.

Hard to believe with 19,711 bolts my 3 dwarves might be picking the same ones.
2014-08-06 04:18   
Military dwarves do not take the "closest" equipment; they take the "best" equipment, as determined by an algorithm. The same algorithm, ran three times, would provide the exact same "selections" each time, so yes your marksdwarves will tend to pick the same bolts.

If marksdwarf B (lower priority) selects some bolts for pickup, then marksdwarf A (higher priority) decides he needs some ammo and chooses the same bolts. Marksdwarf B is forced to re-select bolts, potentially generating a mismatch error.

If you have exactly one marksdwarf active does the problem persist? How about if you have your three marksdwarves (in separate squads) use different types of ammunition (e.g. bone, wood, metal)?
2014-08-06 04:34   
But even still, that would generate only 2 mismatches (B overrides C, A overrides B) I get all 3. If marksdwarves choose bolts for pickup they should be marked with a "TSK" to prevent other marksdwarves from taking them.

I'll try removing 2 from the squad and see if the mismatch messages persist.
2014-08-06 07:13   
(edited on: 2014-08-06 10:08)
I reopened 0007866. Please continue to post your findings there.

In the future, you can reopen the report yourself, or PM a manager on the forums if you're unsure.