Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0007929Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Idle Behaviorpublic2014-08-10 03:142014-08-11 11:16
WindowsWindows 7Win7UltimateSP1
0007929: Dwarves Randomly Idling
My dwarves are randoly idling. I embarked, built a few things (from craftsdwarfs wkshop, carpenters wkshop, masons wkshop) and when I found zinc in the ground and burnt 3 charcoal and dug a channel, designated it as a pond to have my dwarves fill the hole with water - my dwarves started not taking on new jobs. They weren't eating, sleeping or on break - they just said 'No Job' and stood in the meeting area without taking on new jobs.

I had a carpenter not building walls, a metalsmith not making cages and a farmer not harvesting his plump helmets.

I restarted my game and they all took on their jobs.

This was very strange.
...designate a pond and have the job finish?
I embarked underneath a tree in its roots and had to make the square/root my miner was standing on/in to be mined out and the miner to dig a stairwell back up to the surface and then channel out on and around the caravan to free my dwarves.
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Issue History
2014-08-10 03:14TimestampNew Issue
2014-08-10 03:32edmusNote Added: 0028704
2014-08-10 07:29FootkerchiefNote Added: 0028710
2014-08-10 07:29FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-08-10 07:29FootkerchiefStatusnew => needs feedback
2014-08-10 19:10TimestampNote Added: 0028771
2014-08-10 19:10TimestampStatusneeds feedback => assigned
2014-08-10 19:41FootkerchiefNote Added: 0028774
2014-08-10 21:54TimestampNote Added: 0028778
2014-08-11 05:49FootkerchiefNote Added: 0028788
2014-08-11 11:16LociNote Added: 0028814

2014-08-10 03:32   
Are you sure hey have their labours enabled?
2014-08-10 07:29   
My guess is that either 1) the channels cut off the area or 2) they're stuck in a burrow. If neither of those explains it, please upload a save to http://dffd.wimbli.com/ [^] and post the link here.
2014-08-10 19:10   
None of those do. Also, sorry it's named region1, haha.
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=9351 [^]
@edmus: Yeah, and they picked up their jobs right after I restarted the game.
2014-08-10 19:41   
Okay, so the save won't demonstrate the problem?
2014-08-10 21:54   
I believe not
2014-08-11 05:49   
Okay -- if you do manage to get a save that demonstrates the problem, please upload that one.
2014-08-11 11:16   
There is often a delay before some types of jobs are assigned. How long did you wait?