Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0008074Dwarf FortressPathfindingpublic2014-08-18 18:072014-08-19 06:42
0008074: Submerged dwarves refuse to escape water
Dwarves that end up submerged in water (due to digging into the side of a water body, possibly in other circumstances) refuse to escape and will simply stand there and drown rather than using obvious escape routes. They won't even accept jobs/designations that would move them to safety.
Dig a tunnel into the side of a body of water. Dwarf will be submerged and stand there until s/he drowns.
drowning, idiot, water
related to 0006819confirmed Footkerchief Caravan wagons try to path through 7/7 water 
Issue History
2014-08-18 18:07C27New Issue
2014-08-18 18:08C27Tag Attached: water
2014-08-18 18:08C27Tag Attached: drowning
2014-08-18 18:10C27Tag Attached: idiot
2014-08-18 18:15C27Issue Monitored: C27
2014-08-18 18:23C27Note Added: 0029274
2014-08-18 18:47smjjamesNote Added: 0029278
2014-08-18 20:02UristDaVinciNote Added: 0029280
2014-08-18 20:58FootkerchiefAssigned To => Footkerchief
2014-08-18 20:58FootkerchiefStatusnew => needs feedback
2014-08-18 22:09TalvienoNote Added: 0029285
2014-08-18 22:44C27Note Added: 0029288
2014-08-18 22:44C27Statusneeds feedback => assigned
2014-08-18 22:47C27Note Edited: 0029288bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0029288#r11248
2014-08-19 06:42FootkerchiefRelationship addedrelated to 0006819

2014-08-18 18:23   
Note: This happens when they dig in horizontally and would need to move horizontally to escape.
2014-08-18 18:47   
Hm, I wonder if this is related to the pathing issues that FBs have when they get into water.
2014-08-18 20:02   
Testing back in 0.34.11 found that dwarves will path up to 20 tiles through water to a dry tile to escape. If the "obvious escape route" is further than 20 tiles away after flooding, they will not move. What was your situation like?
http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=116764.0 [^]
2014-08-18 22:09   
This may be related to how merchants path through water, and how they also refuse to path back out once they're in, even if the shore is a single tile away.
2014-08-18 22:44   
(edited on: 2014-08-18 22:47)
UristDaVinci: Paths as short as three or four tiles were still ignored.

Talvieno: Sounds like it's the same basic bug surfacing in different circumstances.