Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress |
View Issue Details |
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0008598 | Dwarf Fortress | Legends Mode -- Historical Figures | public | 2014-12-03 00:24 | 2014-12-03 03:59 |
Reporter | Jukkaimaru | |
Assigned To | Knight Otu | |
Priority | low | Severity | trivial | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | |
Platform | PC | OS | Windows 8 | OS Version | |
Product Version | 0.40.19 | |
Target Version | | Fixed in Version | | |
Summary | 0008598: Adventurer character history gives repeated "In the <season> of <year>, <Adventurer Name> began wandering the wilds" messages |
Description | Created a human adventurer, went through a pretty normal adventure mode session that ended as most such things do with my character getting his ass handed to him by a night ogress. :D Afterward, I checked his history in Legends Mode for a laugh and noticed that it was comprised mostly of repeated statements about him starting his adventure, no less than 26 times. I've yet to attempt another run, but I'm about to and once it ends I'll see if the same thing happens. |
Steps To Reproduce | From what I've seen, just start up a regular Adventure Mode game, and once your character is kaput boot up Legends Mode, look up the character, and notice all the constant "began wandering the wilds" message spam. |
Additional Information | |
Tags | adventurer mode, legends |
Relationships | duplicate of | 0006808 | resolved | Toady One | Duplicate "began wandering the wilds" entries for adventurer |
Attached Files | |
Issue History |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-12-03 00:24 | Jukkaimaru | New Issue | |
2014-12-03 00:26 | Jukkaimaru | Tag Attached: legends | |
2014-12-03 00:27 | Jukkaimaru | Tag Attached: adventurer mode | |
2014-12-03 02:24 | Jukkaimaru | Note Added: 0031246 | |
2014-12-03 02:25 | Jukkaimaru | Note Edited: 0031246 | bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0031246#r12463 |
2014-12-03 03:59 | Knight Otu | Note Added: 0031247 | |
2014-12-03 03:59 | Knight Otu | Relationship added | duplicate of 0006808 |
2014-12-03 03:59 | Knight Otu | Status | new => resolved |
2014-12-03 03:59 | Knight Otu | Resolution | open => duplicate |
2014-12-03 03:59 | Knight Otu | Assigned To | => Knight Otu |