Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0008782Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Flowspublic2015-02-02 12:562015-02-02 13:04
0008782: Once embarked there is a river in mid air, which floods the map after unpausing
Chose an ocean embark with a river.
Once embarked there's this river spring located in mid-air at the top left of the site at 1 z-level higher than the wagon's z-level.
As soon as I unpause, the water from the river spring drops on the beach and starts flooding the map.
Using the starter pack for 40.24 r3.
Save game uploaded to DFFD:
http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=10537 [^]
duplicate of 0008695new  Odd stream placement results in floating riverbed and flooding. 
Issue History
2015-02-02 12:56kermatNew Issue
2015-02-02 12:58kermatTag Attached: 0.40.24
2015-02-02 12:59kermatTag Attached: flow
2015-02-02 12:59kermatTag Attached: river
2015-02-02 13:03lethosorNote Added: 0032121
2015-02-02 13:03lethosorRelationship addedduplicate of 0008695
2015-02-02 13:03lethosorStatusnew => resolved
2015-02-02 13:03lethosorResolutionopen => duplicate
2015-02-02 13:03lethosorAssigned To => lethosor
2015-02-02 13:03kermatTag Attached: embark
2015-02-02 13:04lethosorTag Detached: 0.40.24
2015-02-02 13:04lethosorTag Detached: embark
2015-02-02 13:04lethosorTag Detached: river
2015-02-02 13:05lethosorNote Edited: 0032121bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0032121#r12863

2015-02-02 13:03   
(edited on: 2015-02-02 13:05)
Sounds like 0008695, but feel free to reopen this report if not. Also, please specify which "starter pack" you're using in the future.
Edit: Tagging issues with words that are already present in the report isn't particularly helpful, as Mantis's search feature includes report contents.