Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
View Issue Details
0009616Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Reclaimpublic2016-03-07 18:492016-05-11 21:07
0009616: Water spawns out of thin air in ocean biome
I made a fort overlapping an ocean biome and built a wall around the entire fortress before channeling away several z levels. When unretiring the fort, the part that used to be ocean spawns several layers of 7/7 salt water in thin air.
1. Embark somewhere that overlaps an ocean biome.
2. Drain any water (if present - in a tropical hot climate there wasn't any), build a wall blocking water from entering fortress
3. Channel away layers of embark.
4. Retire and unretire.
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duplicate of 0005872confirmed Loci Excavated areas beneathe ocean biome or lake filled with water on reclaim (or adventurer visit) 
Issue History
2016-03-07 18:49jjl2357New Issue
2016-03-08 11:43ButtonIssue Monitored: Button
2016-03-08 13:32LociNote Added: 0034812
2016-03-09 14:54ButtonIssue End Monitor: Button
2016-05-11 21:07DwarfuRelationship addedduplicate of 0005872
2016-05-11 21:07DwarfuStatusnew => resolved
2016-05-11 21:07DwarfuResolutionopen => duplicate
2016-05-11 21:07DwarfuAssigned To => Dwarfu

2016-03-08 13:32   
duplicate 0005872