Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0009673Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Retirementpublic2016-04-01 02:132017-10-11 09:58
0009673: Adventurer retired in player fort dehydrated, starving, goes insane from lack of sleep
I retired an adventurer in one of my forts (the same one she started out in, in fact). I then load up the fort, and she immediately goes berserk from lack of sleep.
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related to 0008750new  Dwarf adventurer instantly dies of dehydration on unretire of fortress 
Issue History
2016-04-01 02:13jjl2357New Issue
2016-04-01 09:03InfantIguanaNote Added: 0034952
2016-04-01 09:52InfantIguanaIssue Monitored: InfantIguana
2016-04-08 11:21ButtonNote Added: 0034985
2016-04-08 13:45InfantIguanaNote Added: 0034987
2016-04-26 14:59untrustedlifeNote Added: 0035045
2016-04-26 15:45InfantIguanaNote Added: 0035050
2017-10-07 23:59HededeIssue Monitored: Hedede
2017-10-08 00:02HededeNote Added: 0036768
2017-10-08 00:03HededeNote Edited: 0036768bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0036768#r14847
2017-10-11 09:58LociRelationship addedrelated to 0008750

2016-04-01 09:03   
I've had similar issues when retiring adventurers, although dehydration has been more prevalent than starvation or sleep deprivation in my case.
2016-04-08 11:21   
Possibly related to 0009588 ?
2016-04-08 13:45   
Button: I think 0009588 is related to this issue indirectly, although animal people adventurers always have low movement speed in fortress mode regardless of whether or not they're affected by this bug. It's not the root cause of that issue, based on what I've seen.
2016-04-26 14:59   
It may depend on the civ your adventurer belongs to?
2016-04-26 15:45   
I don't think so. I've retired adventurers from every civ in a player fort and they all exhibited this behavior to some extent.
2017-10-08 00:02   
(edited on: 2017-10-08 00:03)
Duplicate of 0008750 ?