Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker - Dwarf Fortress
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0009857Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Reclaimpublic2016-06-22 07:572016-07-04 16:35
normalminorhave not tried
0009857: Water randomly spawned after reclaim (near the ocean)
I reclaimed my fort and the side of it that was close to the ocean (my water-purification-via-pumps system is there as well) got flooded with water (can't remember if salt water or clean water, I already deleted save and it takes forever to retry due to loading time) in spaces under the purification system where water (1/7,2/7,3/7,4/7 levels) spawned (also water seemingly went from levels to 7/7 after reclaim) effectively flooding a part of living space.
Have a fort, have (clean?) water space separated from empty spaces below it and after abandoning and reclaiming the fort those empty spaces will be filled with water.
Probably works only with clean waters in caverns as the moat I have on surface didn't drown any of the caverns below it. Also possibly there were inactive pumps involved somehow in that.
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duplicate of 0005872confirmed Loci Excavated areas beneathe ocean biome or lake filled with water on reclaim (or adventurer visit) 
Issue History
2016-06-22 07:57ClonckNew Issue
2016-06-22 09:37LociNote Added: 0035468
2016-07-04 16:35lethosorRelationship addedduplicate of 0005872
2016-07-04 16:35lethosorStatusnew => resolved
2016-07-04 16:35lethosorResolutionopen => duplicate
2016-07-04 16:35lethosorAssigned To => lethosor

2016-06-22 09:37   
duplicate 0005872