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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010067Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2016-11-08 05:402018-05-08 18:54
Assigned ToToady One 
PlatformPC CPU 2.30 Ghz Ram 8 GBOSWindows 10OS Version
Product Version0.43.05 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0010067: Game immediately crashes when entering combat with elven caravan.
DescriptionPretty straight forward, I order my squad to attack the elven caravan and the game just crashes.
Steps To ReproduceSave is here, the squad is walking towards the elven caravan, but have not been given the order to attack yet. [^]
TagsSave Included, traders
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0009888resolvedToady One Wear-related crash when triggerring a weapon trap 
has duplicate 0010191resolvedLoci Game crashes when elf merchants are attacked 

-  Notes
Loci (manager)
2016-11-08 06:09

Was any of your squad's equipment showing heavy wear? Wear-destruction of weapons and projectiles is a known cause of crashes in the current version.
Sinakus (reporter)
2016-11-08 09:58

None, seems like this has something to do with attacking the traders as they pathed towards the depot. Wanted to finish the elves off before they went to the depot so my dwarves would be less traumatized, but it seems like that is out of the question. Killing them after they have unloaded at the depot seems to work fine.
Loci (manager)
2018-05-08 18:53

Your wooden bolts were showing heavy wear ("XX") and breaking upon striking the elves. Confirmed fixed in v0.44.10, presumably by the fix for 0009888.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-11-08 05:40 Sinakus New Issue
2016-11-08 05:45 Sinakus Tag Attached: 0.43.05
2016-11-08 05:45 Sinakus Tag Attached: 64-bit DF only
2016-11-08 05:46 Sinakus Tag Attached: traders
2016-11-08 05:46 Sinakus Tag Attached: Save Included
2016-11-08 06:09 Loci Note Added: 0036041
2016-11-08 09:58 Sinakus Note Added: 0036042
2016-11-08 10:16 Sinakus Issue Monitored: Sinakus
2016-11-08 10:16 Sinakus Issue End Monitor: Sinakus
2016-11-16 12:31 lethosor Tag Detached: 64-bit DF only
2016-11-16 12:31 lethosor Tag Detached: 0.43.05
2017-04-12 07:10 Loci Relationship added has duplicate 0010191
2018-05-08 18:53 Loci Note Added: 0038301
2018-05-08 18:53 Loci Status new => resolved
2018-05-08 18:53 Loci Resolution open => fixed
2018-05-08 18:53 Loci Assigned To => Toady One
2018-05-08 18:54 Loci Relationship added related to 0009888

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