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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0011180Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Buildings, Generalpublic2019-11-20 07:462019-11-20 13:08
Assigned ToLoci 
PlatformMSI 7RFXOSWindowsOS Version10 - 1909
Product Version0.44.12 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0011180: Path not found in an open room
DescriptionI play in a 10x10 map.
I dig down stair on the ground and up/down stair.
I dig somes rooms.
I will create a smoothed floor with block of stone...
One dwarf come create the floor and......... Don't find a path to go to the mason workshop...

the problem is the same on the ground...

I have screen shoot with gui/pathable
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- Relationships
duplicate of 0010838acknowledgedlethosor Constructed floors and walls, as well as digging, break pathfinding on 16x16 embarks 

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-11-20 07:46 calibhaan New Issue
2019-11-20 07:46 calibhaan Issue Monitored: calibhaan
2019-11-20 07:46 calibhaan Issue End Monitor: calibhaan
2019-11-20 12:00 Snowcrow Issue Monitored: Snowcrow
2019-11-20 12:00 Snowcrow Issue End Monitor: Snowcrow
2019-11-20 13:08 Loci Relationship added duplicate of 0010838
2019-11-20 13:08 Loci Status new => resolved
2019-11-20 13:08 Loci Resolution open => duplicate
2019-11-20 13:08 Loci Assigned To => Loci

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