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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | |
0002840 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Military | public | 2010-07-25 18:34 | 2011-03-09 11:55 | |
Reporter | OzoneGrif | |||||
Assigned To | Toady One | |||||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always | |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | |||
Platform | OS | OS Version | ||||
Product Version | 0.31.12 | |||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | 0.31.22 | ||||
Summary | 0002840: Marksdwarves use wrong bolts when training | |||||
Description | My squad is configured to use Bone Bolts for Combat and Training, and Copper Bolts for Combat only. If a Marksdwarf has Bone and Copper bolts in his quiver, he will use Copper bolts for Training (he should have used the Bone bolts). | |||||
Steps To Reproduce | set ammunition to : - Copper Bolts for "C" - Bone Bolts for "CT" give Bone and Copper bolts to your Marksdwarf, he must have both in his quiver. order him to train on a range. He will use the Copper bolts. | |||||
Tags | ammunition, military screen | |||||
Attached Files | ||||||
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(0011043) Footkerchief (manager) 2010-07-25 18:46 |
In case there's something special about your fortress that allows this to happen, it would be helpful to upload a save to [^] |
(0011045) HebaruSan (reporter) 2010-07-25 19:01 |
I saw it happening in this map, already posted for a different bug: [^] |
(0011164) Orkel2 (reporter) 2010-07-27 11:25 |
This happens to me in every fort. It's very annoying to see them shoot off my precious steel bolts at archery ranges even when I've set them to be combat only. So I'm forced to use only bone at all times, and only add steel bolts when the dwarf is needed in a combat situation. |
(0011172) Rafal99 (reporter) 2010-07-27 15:56 |
Happened to me too. They had metal bolts for combat and wooden bolts for training. A dwarf had both iron and wooden bolts in quiver, but was shooting the iron bolts at archery range. Removing metal bolts from ammo designation in military screen didn't help, they still had metal botls in quiver and were shooting them. Finally I forbidden or dumped all metal bolts to prevent wasting and it works so far. |
(0011313) Thratur (reporter) 2010-07-31 00:52 edited on: 2010-07-31 01:38 |
I have the same problem and I'm crying everytime my steel arrows are wasted like that :( |
(0011503) eatatree (reporter) 2010-08-04 17:18 |
This is happening to me consistently. Makes it hard to keep ammo in stock. |
(0011676) ma88hew (reporter) 2010-08-09 17:25 |
Me too. Metal bolts: C Wood Bolts: T Makes them use metal bolts at the range. However, Metal bolts: T Wood Bolts: C made them use wooden bolts at the range, opposite what should happen. I'm using the MixMod, if that matters. |
(0011706) Ghoulz (reporter) 2010-08-10 18:36 |
Happens to me as well, if the ammunition designations worked correctly then things would be so much easier and simpler, but unfortunately it appears to be currently bugged. |
(0012464) Moonshine Fox (reporter) 2010-09-07 01:30 |
ma88hew: Does that mean that ammo designations DO work, only they are mirrored? Can you confirm? |
(0012669) ma88hew (reporter) 2010-09-15 16:12 |
Moonshine Fox: Not really. I never saw them use anything else than what they used at the range. They would just walk into battle with the wooden bolts and get slaughtered. Maybe the dwarves are only using combat bolts. |
(0013290) d64 (reporter) 2010-10-10 01:54 |
Reproduces here as well. One of the most annoying bugs in 31.16. |
(0013332) Narmio (reporter) 2010-10-11 21:09 |
Seems to reproduce everywhere. Could this be related to places to store equipment in their archery range/barracks? Training weapons/combat weapons for melee dwarves are fiddly depending on available weapon racks, so perhaps there needs to be some place to store bolts at the range? What would that use? A weapon rack? A chest? I shall experiment. Also, confirming that this is one of my big Rage Bugs with 31.16: Soap cancellations, fishless caverns, missing boots, dopey marksdwarves. If those get fixed soon, fort mode will be awesome. |
(0014063) Orkel2 (reporter) 2010-11-20 14:31 |
This is annoying. The "Use in combat" and "Use in training" commands do not work at ALL, and whatever you set them to, they will always waste them on training unless you disable the archery targets. |
(0014411) novaalpha (reporter) 2010-12-04 23:46 |
still in .18 |
(0015065) Naros (reporter) 2011-02-08 12:51 |
Is there a tag, or should we make a tag that suggests that a certain bug should be added to the next batch of bug fixes? Because this seems like an easy to fix bug, but bothering Toady about it by email seems a bit counterproductive. |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-07-25 18:34 | OzoneGrif | New Issue | |
2010-07-25 18:46 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | child of 0000535 |
2010-07-25 18:46 | Footkerchief | Note Added: 0011043 | |
2010-07-25 19:01 | HebaruSan | Note Added: 0011045 | |
2010-07-27 11:25 | Orkel2 | Note Added: 0011164 | |
2010-07-27 15:56 | Rafal99 | Note Added: 0011172 | |
2010-07-31 00:52 | Thratur | Note Added: 0011313 | |
2010-07-31 00:54 | Thratur | Note Edited: 0011313 | View Revisions |
2010-07-31 01:38 | Thratur | Note Edited: 0011313 | View Revisions |
2010-08-04 17:18 | eatatree | Note Added: 0011503 | |
2010-08-05 18:42 | HebaruSan | Issue Monitored: HebaruSan | |
2010-08-09 17:25 | ma88hew | Note Added: 0011676 | |
2010-08-09 17:26 | ma88hew | Issue Monitored: ma88hew | |
2010-08-10 18:36 | Ghoulz | Note Added: 0011706 | |
2010-08-10 18:36 | Ghoulz | Tag Attached: ammunition | |
2010-08-10 18:37 | Ghoulz | Tag Attached: military screen | |
2010-08-10 19:08 | Ghoulz | Issue Monitored: Ghoulz | |
2010-08-10 19:09 | Ghoulz | Issue End Monitor: Ghoulz | |
2010-08-16 00:27 | knofbath | Issue Monitored: knofbath | |
2010-08-27 19:06 | 30 Second Artbomb | Issue Monitored: 30 Second Artbomb | |
2010-09-07 01:30 | Moonshine Fox | Note Added: 0012464 | |
2010-09-09 06:57 | Moonshine Fox | Issue Monitored: Moonshine Fox | |
2010-09-15 16:12 | ma88hew | Note Added: 0012669 | |
2010-10-10 01:54 | d64 | Note Added: 0013290 | |
2010-10-11 21:09 | Narmio | Note Added: 0013332 | |
2010-10-12 16:53 | Naros | Issue Monitored: Naros | |
2010-10-31 19:45 | Logical2u | Relationship added | has duplicate 0003489 |
2010-11-20 06:32 | Logical2u | Relationship added | has duplicate 0003684 |
2010-11-20 06:32 | Logical2u | Issue Monitored: novaalpha | |
2010-11-20 14:31 | Orkel2 | Note Added: 0014063 | |
2010-12-04 23:46 | novaalpha | Note Added: 0014411 | |
2011-02-07 15:19 | alexleon | Issue Monitored: alexleon | |
2011-02-08 11:05 | Hieronymous Alloy | Issue Monitored: Hieronymous Alloy | |
2011-02-08 12:51 | Naros | Note Added: 0015065 | |
2011-02-09 21:06 | skeggox | Issue Monitored: skeggox | |
2011-02-28 20:58 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | child of 0001374 |
2011-02-28 20:58 | Footkerchief | Relationship deleted | child of 0001374 |
2011-02-28 20:58 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | child of 0001374 |
2011-02-28 20:58 | Footkerchief | Relationship deleted | child of 0000535 |
2011-02-28 21:01 | Footkerchief | Relationship added | has duplicate 0002961 |
2011-03-09 04:06 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2011-03-09 04:06 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 0.31.22 |
2011-03-09 04:06 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2011-03-09 04:06 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |
2011-03-09 11:55 | Naros | Issue End Monitor: Naros |
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