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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003028Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Combatpublic2010-08-14 15:512012-03-28 07:49
Assigned To 
Platformx86_64OSWindows 7OS VersionUltimate x64
Product Version0.31.12 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003028: Marksdwarves don't carry enough ammunition into combat.
DescriptionWhen Marksdwarves are on Active/Training and using ammunition, and then are switched to a kill order, they will not replenish their ammunition before heading into combat.

Results in Marksdwarves charging into melee combat because of lack of ammunition.
Steps To ReproduceAssign Dorfs crossbows, assign ammunition, have quivers available, make archery range, set alert to Active/Training, then order the squad to kill something after firing most of their ammunition on the archery range.

Additional InformationI get a yearly buzzard migration, most of the time they fire their last few bolts, then chase the buzzards around for half an hour. I have to take the squad off alert and training, let it rearm, then assign the kill order again. Not a good option when dealing with the bi-annual goblin horde.

The quivers are a nice step, but given that even Elite Crossbowdwarfs seem to miss like 70% of the time, they don't have enough ammunition for a standard engagement. Let alone a full siege. And they won't retreat to reload either.

Also maybe allow ammunition to stack, you could transfer the kill to the crossbow that fired the bolt, instead of the individual bolt.
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- Relationships
related to 0001374new If squad is assigned multiple ammo types, dwarves with "individual choice ranged" carry wrong ammo, and other ammo bugs 
parent of 0002946resolvedFootkerchief Crossbow dwarfs prefer melee 

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-14 15:51 knofbath New Issue
2010-08-14 17:31 Dwarfu Relationship added parent of 0002946
2010-09-04 09:39 Sfon Issue Monitored: Sfon
2012-03-28 07:49 Footkerchief Relationship added related to 0001374

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